If you have a website and use Twitter, there are some simple ways for how to use Twitter to gain traffic to your website you might not be taking advantage of. Twitter is one of the biggest social media websites of all, and one of the quickest one to update current postings, because there are so many people on our Twitter feeds. If you don’t know how to use Twitter correctly, your tweets can quickly be bottomed out because other people are posting right on top of you, and some people never see your tweets. Using Twitter to your advantage to gain growth on your website isn’t difficult, it just takes a little practice. Try these tips for how to use Twitter to gain traffic to your website, and let me know what you think!
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1. Learn the Best Times
The most important tip for how to use Twitter to gain traffic to your website is to watch what time you post and how many people “favorite,” “retweet,” or “reply” to your posts. The best posting times are usually in the mornings between 8 -11 a.m., again between 1-4 p.m., and again between 7-11 p.m. That’s not set in stone of course, but those are usually the prime hours to embrace, since they’re in between meal times for the most part, and parts of the day most people check their Twitter feeds.
2. Connect with Others
You can’t gain traffic to your website if you’re not connecting with other people, so start now. Connect with anyone whose blog you read, friends, co-workers, companies in your specialty or industry, professionals in the business, and as many other people as you can in general. Be sure you don’t follow anyone that posts crude or rude language because if people see that you do, it can make you look negative. You should be careful who you associate with on social media, but be sure to follow anyone on Twitter that you’d like to make a connection with. Doing so will only increase the likelihood that you’ll get more traffic to your website.
3. Don’t Post Just Once or Twice
Don’t expect to post one or two things a day about your website and get a ton of traffic. You need to post around 4 times a day optimally. This gives your website plenty of exposure during all the prime time hours Twitter is used. Just don’t go overboard. No one likes overkill on promoting your website, especially consecutively. A good rule of thumb is no more than once every 2 hours.
4. Post about More than Yourself
A strange, but very true tip you might not know about is to promote things (positive things) on Twitter that other people might like to read or know about, that have nothing to do with your company. It should be relevant to your brand or business, but not directly about your brand or business. This gives people tips and tricks or great things to read about tweets you enjoyed, or websites that you like, which might help them too. This will get them coming to your Twitter profile for tweets on a daily basis because you’re full of great wealth. It also means they’ll see your website on your Twitter profile, and will visit it 90% of the time.
5. Add Your Website to Your Profile Page
On that note, be sure that you actually have your website listed on your Twitter profile. Luckily, Twitter only has a certain amount of characters you can use in your Twitter profile, so you can’t go overboard. Yet, this means you’ll need to be careful about what you select to go in your profile. Be sure it’s mature, positive, interesting, and informative about you. Then, include your website in your profile. This way, when someone goes to your Twitter profile, they’ll feel like they know you, just by reading it.
6. Post Daily
It’s not only about posting many times a day, but also making an active appearance on Twitter each day. People are less likely to forget about you, and it makes your business or brand seem more like a permanent deal than something that’s non-consecutive and lazy. People tend to trust consistency more than they do spontaneity.
7. Post with Caution
Before you post anything on Twitter, do it with caution. Don’t post anything you wouldn’t want your mother or future clients to see, or anything that’s just immature. Also remember, what you say on Twitter gets around before you even have control of it. Post more quality than you do quantity.
8. Advertise Deals
If you have any special deals on your website or others’ websites you’d like to share that’s relevant to your company, share it! People like to find special deals, and Twitter is a great way to share deals with people you don’t even know. It’s also much more likely to get attention on Twitter than posting elsewhere, and people will often retweet your deals and share them with others, which drives traffic to your website
9. Mention Others
One other tip for how to gain traffic to your website through Twitter is to mention other people. For instance, try sharing other bloggers' or brands’ posts and tagging them in the post by using their Twitter handle. Not only will they most likely return the favor, but they’ll also retweet your post 90% of the time, which puts your user name on their entire Twitter followers’ feeds. This gives you traffic without even doing anything else. Plus, it’s just good social skills to spread other people’s words around, so long as it’s something helpful, positive, and relevant to your website or brand.
I have learned so much the last year for how to use Twitter to gain traffic to my website, and to this one. It’s been helpful for other areas in my life too, and I like sharing with other people (like my dear old mom) about how to use it to. In a world where social media is bigger than ever, it’s time you learned how to use it for your advantage, and in a good light. Do you have any tips for using Twitter to promote a website?