7 Best Moment Photos That'll Inspire You ...


7 Best Moment Photos That'll Inspire You ...
7 Best Moment Photos That'll Inspire You ...

What was your best moment? You know, the number one moment in your life so far. The single thing that you are most proud of, that you just can’t top. When Sports Illustrated writer Richard Deitsch asked people on Twitter, he expected to get a whole load of sports shots in response. Instead, he got a collection of intimate photos that highlight the best moment in each person’s life so far. They won’t fail to make you smile…

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Ryan Kaltenbach…

Ryan Kaltenbach… Ryan shared this touching shot of his wife waking up after a double lung and and heart transplant. While organ transplants might be all over the news at the moment, this photo shows the harsh differences between a political debate over human rights, and actually living through a transplant. This one has to be right up there as a best moment!


Neil N…

Neil N… If you’ve got kids, chances are your best moment will include them. For Neil N, it’s watching his son skate in front of 47,000 people – a mean feat in itself, right? But for Neil’s son, it was made much harder. He has autism, and couldn’t bear the feeling of skates on his feet to start with. Now he’s playing against the best. Inspiration at its finest.


Ann Gaffigan…

Ann Gaffigan… If you are training for something at the moment, you’ll appreciate this one. Ann set an American record just before this photo was taken, whilst struggling with some life issues. Everyone has been there – whether you run to forget a hard day or you are boosting your strength for a big event, training can be tough. Sometimes it can feel as if it won’t ever be worth it, and you just can’t take another step. If you keep going, though, and keep motivating yourself to get back out there, you’ll achieve your targets in the end. And when you do, it feels amazing.


Jerry Carmona…

Jerry Carmona… There is something just so adorable about Jerry and his toddler son at the Dodger stadium. Having his first game of catch dressed like Daddy, in a personalized jersey no less, was sure to make this little one smile. And how cute do they look?!


Ryan Wallace…

Ryan Wallace… As you can probably imagine, there were hundreds of wedding photos posted, but it was this one that really stood out. Maybe it’s the natural feel of it, how unposed it looks – or maybe it’s how happy everyone in the shot is. I don’t know. I do know that I want a moment like this on my wedding morning – something just natural, easy, happy.

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Ed Kahn…

Ed Kahn… Sometimes, it’s the simple things, right? And this Carnitas Snacks shot just sums that up perfectly. Whether it’s got a story – your first meal after tracking through the desert feels pretty damn important! – or it’s just somewhere fun you ate, appreciating the little things in life is sure to boost your mood. Although you get extra points if you can work out what this snack actually is.


Rob Long…

Rob Long… Graduation is a huge moment for anyone – it’ll probably rank in everyone’s best moments. But for Rob Long, it was even more special. His graduation ceremony came just 6 months after he was diagnosed with brain cancer, but there he was, looking smart in that graduation gown. It’s a hefty reminder that you shouldn’t let anything stand in your way. Just keep truckin’, as they say.

So what would your best moment be? If you aren’t sure, dig a little deeper. Everyone will have things that they are proud of, and sometimes it can feel great to get out the photos and reminisce about what you have achieved. Then set your next target, and focus on collecting more best moments. Good luck!

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I love the first photo, so sweet

An SU grad! Same as me :)

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