Awesome Inspo to Get You Thinking about Decluttering Your Closet ...

Sydney Jun 10, 2017

Awesome Inspo to Get You Thinking  about Decluttering Your Closet ...
Awesome Inspo to Get You Thinking  about Decluttering Your Closet ...

Ladies, have you ever been overwhelmed looking in your closet trying to find something to wear to the club or on a date, realizing that you have too much stuff and not nearly enough space?


clothing, lady, dress, fashion, hairstyle, Decluttering your life is where learning to be a minimalist comes into play. A minimalist in easier words is someone who desires to live with less. Having less makes your space look much cleaner and simpler. One mistake people make when it comes to cleaning is they don’t purge they just reorganize.


clothing, dress, cocktail dress, thigh, long hair, Pull all of your clothing and analyze every single piece. Each time you pick up a new piece ask yourself, do I really need that? If the answer is no, let it go, throw it out and never look back. This is the easiest way to get rid of things other then the standard “this doesn’t fit me” or “this is so outdated why do I still have it?” You can also use this when shopping, if you pick up something that you think is super cute ask yourself “do I need it?” or “where am I going to wear this” also “do I have something similar at home?”


clothing, undergarment, lingerie, lady, brown hair, We all have our favorite pieces of clothing that we wear often. Certain pieces that we could not imagine living without. Now, we have other pieces that are only worn during certain occasions, and then there are the pieces that just sit there waiting to be loved. Now ladies, take a look at those pieces and ask yourself “when is the last time I wore this?” If you cannot come up with an answer to that question, then it has got to go no questions asked. What is the point of keeping clothing that you have not touched in months? Just by doing this small step, you will see a lot of things flying out of your closet and dresser, opening up space for some new items.


room, furniture, home, interior design, closet, Most people struggle with what to do with old clothing that they no longer want. Now, all depending on where you live, there are many different options. You can bring your old clothing to thrift stores to just donate, check in your area and see where your local thrift store is located. There is also the option of donating to shelters for those who are in great need. This one is one of the best options, consignment stores, there are some consignment stores that only pay you once your item has sold, but there are also stores that will pay you on the spot for your lightly used clothing, those stores typically look more for clothing that is currently in style and in pretty good condition.

Now ladies, do you have way too much “stuff” cluttering your room & life?

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