Memorable Survival Tips for Girls Heading into the Real World Post Graduation ...


Memorable Survival Tips for Girls Heading into the Real World Post Graduation  ...
Memorable Survival Tips for Girls Heading into the Real World Post Graduation  ...

Survival Tips for Girls stepping into the real world post-graduation are not just about finding a job or paying rent on time. Oh no, it’s an entire mode of living, garnished with life’s unexpected surprises and sprinkled with a dash of 'what-the-heck-just-happened.' If you’re one of the newly graduated gals from the class of 2024, welcome aboard the wild rollercoaster of adulthood! Trust me, the ride is bumpy but exhilarating, full of adventures and lessons no one prepares you for in university.

For every graduate, this transition is a brew of excitement and perplexity. Remember when you thought balancing school with a part-time job was tough? Wait until you’re juggling a nine-to-five, keeping an organized house, and figuring out how to make a budget stretch until your next paycheck. My dear reader, financial management is your first win or lose game, and mastering it early will make all the difference.

Now, don't get me started on the importance of mental well-being. Picture this: you’re rocking your dream job, but suddenly, the stress starts manifesting in bizarre ways. Eating chocolate chip cookie dough at midnight because 'You deserve it!' I mean, who hasn’t done that? But spoiler alert: good sleep, regular exercise, and self-care hold the key to sustainable happiness more than that third pint of ice cream.

And ladies, let’s not forget your social circle. After graduation, friends scatter like confetti at a wedding, making it a little tricky to retain those valuable relationships. But fear not, establishing strong connections and expanding your network isn’t as hard as solving a quantum physics equation. The key lies in being proactive and intentional. Pick up the phone, plan reunions, and don’t underestimate the power of LinkedIn.

When it comes to your career, anyone could tell you, getting your foot in the door is just the beginning. Our section on navigating career paths and dealing with office politics will transform you from the new kid on the block to a savvy corporate ninja faster than you can say ‘promotion.’

Ultimately, this phase is as thrilling as it is daunting, where every mistake paves the way for invaluable learnings. So, fasten your seatbelt, put on your smart-casual armor, and set sail in the 2024 sea of real-world challenges. Whether it’s mastering the fine art of grocery shopping under budget or sipping wine like a sophisticated adult at social mixers, you’ve got this!

Heads up for some detailed and earnest advice as we navigate through these unchartered territories, armed with laughter and a whole lot of grit. Let’s dive in!

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Don't Burn Bridges at Home

You may playfully tell your parents you're going to move out and live by your own rules. And yes, living on your own offers independence, but it's not as easy as you think. If you want to survive in the real world, you need to take baby steps. Even if you have a college degree and a job offer, this doesn't mean you're ready for your own place. You owe it to yourself to stay home a little while longer so you can save up and pay off debt before living on your own.


Credit Isn't Your Friend

You may feel anything is possible with a credit card in your wallet. But a credit card is a two-faced friend. It's okay to have an emergency credit card, but if you start applying for multiple accounts and maxing out these accounts, you can end up with a mountain of debt that takes years to pay off.


Learn the Bus System

If you can pay cash for an inexpensive car – great. But if you want to survive the real world, consider skipping an expensive car payment to minimize expenses. Understandably, public transportation isn't an option for everyone, but if there's a bus or other metro transit system near your home or work, give it a try or walk. You can save money and squeeze in exercise.


Toughen up

The truth is, your boss might be a jerk and you might have issues with your coworkers. Some people are fortunate enough to love the environment they work in, but this isn't always the case. There are negatives to every job, and if you start job hopping every 3 to 6 months, you'll come off as fickle and you'll never learn how to deal with people in the real world.


Plan for the Worst Day Possible - Financially Speaking

You may not earn a lot of money early in your career, so when a home repair, a car repair or another unexpected expense happens, it can seem like the worst thing in the world. You need a rainy day fund to handle these expenses, or else you'll go crazy and drive yourself into debt.

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Come Back to Reality

Living a life you can't afford isn't going to end well. There's always going to be someone who earns more money or has more material things than you. If you're spending more than you're earning trying to keep up with people who are probably broke themselves, you'll end up with nothing in the bank and debt.


Turn on the Stove

You can't survive on fast food. Not only does this get expensive, it's not healthy. Using the stove is much easier than you think, and with so many simple recipes floating around the Internet, you can easily learn how to prepare a handful of simple dishes that won't break your food budget.

Although many young adults are eager to start their adult life, few know how to make it in the real world. What are other tips for surviving after graduation?

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I love Being a Woman 🌞

Love this

I Think knowing how to wash your clothes, make a budget, making your schedule work with both studies and work, and also cleaning properly are some of the most important things when you're moving out

There is no way I'm taking baby steps when it comes to moving out

Thank you! Love this

Great post! I'm graduating in August and I'm getting ready to be out in the real world.

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