10 Websites That'll Teach You a Language You've Always Wanted to Learn ...


10 Websites  That'll Teach You a Language You've Always Wanted to Learn ...
10 Websites  That'll Teach You a Language You've Always Wanted to Learn ...

Learning practically any new subject has been made so accessible thanks to the internet and apps. You no longer have to rely on classes or distance learning. This is marvelous when it comes to learning a language because as well as accessibility, there’s also a wide range of options to suit various learning styles. If a website is your preferred learning choice, here are some that will teach you a new language.

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Live Mocha


This is a very fully-featured language learning website that has structured lessons in 20 languages, and it links you with people around the world that are learning languages too so that you may share and collaborate with them. It is not ideal for learning written languages, but is good for learning how to speak a language.




The website only teaches you French, German, Italian or Spanish, but it is very good, in-depth and effective. It teaches you a number of different ways to say words and ensures you get them culturally correct, and it can increase your vocabulary to a massive degree. It gives you a variety of ways to learn, which is also helpful so you may find the method that suits you.


Foreign Services Institute


The FSI offers a wide range of language options that is mostly geared towards learning the written side over the language side, though there are plenty of audio lessons so you may get to grips with the basics of a language. The lessons themselves were created by the US government in a bid to help their English-speaking people get along with the numerous different ethnics groups in their area.


Nihongo O Narau


The website is ugly looking and poorly formatted, but there are a massive amount of resources for learning Japanese. There are speaking and listening exercises, vocabulary reviews, grammar and writing reviews, expressions, translated reading and there are even songs you can sing to help you learn the language. It may not be the best-looking website of the bunch, but it is loaded with information, most of which is free.


Deutsch Lernen


If you already have a smattering of German, then you will know what the name of the website means. Otherwise, you should know this is a website for learning German that you can use for free. It has ten free lessons for beginners, and then it has 24 advanced lessons for when you are more confident. This is not a website that will allow you to learn the entire language on its own, but it is a good resource for if you are learning the language at school or with a more compressive website.




This is a great website for the name alone. It is not supposed to sound like a poorly pronounced English word said in a Chinese accent; it is supposed to be pronounced C R I English. The website is loaded with Chinese learning tools and lessons, and it features plenty of information about China so that you may learn about the country as well as the language. They also have up to date news feeds and they help you learn both the spoken language and the written language.


BBC Languages


It is arranged in a rather confusing manner, but atheistically it is one of the best looking language-learning websites on this post. It is mostly full of quick-learning elements that were made specifically for people that have just entered a country and realized they do not know the language. It is for the weekend traveler and it has quick-fix phrases in 36 languages. The lessons are not as close to fun as the BBC Bitesized web lessons are, but they are not overtly monotonous either.




Using Duolingo is a pretty fun way to learn a new language. They've got all sorts of incentives to keep studying and to do well - such as giving you hearts when you do well and giving you extra points if you study a certain amount of days in a row. It focuses on reading, listening and speaking and gives you instant grading in order to see where you're excelling and where you need more practice.




If it's super interactive learning that you're looking for, Verbling is the place for you. It offers language lessons with real and professional teachers over video chat. It gives you that personal touch while being affordable at around $15 per hour. It has 42 languages to choose from and has a platform of over 800,000 learners.




This website is not solely for languages, but does offer a wide range of courses that you can take over a course of 2-8 weeks, studying alongside fellow learners by chatting and giving feedback. It only requires a small amount of your time per week and has written work as well as video incentives. You will also get a nifty certificate by the end of it.

Why not put learning a new language on your goals for next year?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I wanna learn Hindi it's way too difficult though even after watching 100s of Hindi movies I've only managed to pick up about 7 words so frustrating

Duolingo is Awesome! You can get the App and also the website!

Duolingo for sure! Love getting those lingots!!! Lol

Best and cool post!

Very cool! And thanks for the Duolingo suggestion!


Duolingo is fun!!!!

Is Duolingo the best then? Has it got Chinese (Mandarin)

Memrise is also very useful for learning languages

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