7 First Time Jobs for Teens ...


7 First Time Jobs for Teens ...
7 First Time Jobs for Teens ...

First time jobs for teens can be a scary adventure. Teenagers are always busy. Between time in school, doing homework, and hanging out with friends, it can be a struggle finding a great first time job. Many of my friends tell me that they just don’t have enough time for a job or they don’t know what they’re interested in. However, there are so many jobs that require little time out of your schedule and are easy ways to make some extra cash! If you are a teenager looking for a first time job then check out some of these great ideas!

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Great with Kids

Babysitting is a fantastic first time job for teens. Many parents love to have date nights, but think that they can’t leave their child at home. If you offer to baby sit, chances are they’ll spring at the offer. Plus, they pay graciously sometimes by the hour and, if you’re lucky, stay out extra late! Just make sure that you’re comfortable with the age of the child you’re watching. Don’t volunteer to care for a new born if you’re not prepared for screaming and for a few dirty diapers!


For the Dog Lovers

Whether you live in the suburbs, the city, or the countryside, everyone knows someone who has a dog or two. Dog walking is easy and fun, so it makes a perfect first time job for teens. Although this is more for summer or spring months, it is still an easy way to make some money and get a little exercise at the same time! You can also think about the possibility of pet care or pet sitting and open up your options to more than dogs!

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Local Shops

Grocery stores and convenience shops are always looking for new, young employees and are willing to offer first time jobs for teens. You could man the cash register or work in the back restocking shelves. Stores usually offer flexible schedules, so it will be easy to fit in school and friends around your work hours. You might even work along side one of your friends from your neighborhood or school!



If you’re great in school and are interested in pursuing a career in teaching, then tutoring may be the perfect first time job for you. You can help the kids in your neighborhood or the younger kids in your school. Whether your forte is math, science, or writing, there are always kids who struggle in school who are looking for extra help. Parents are willing to pay for it and you can you can find days that work for both you and your clients' schedules.



Waiting and bussing at restaurants and diners are great first time jobs for teens. They are often willing to take a chance on first time job hunters and are willing to train and prepare you. You will most likely start out bussing tables but don’t be discouraged! It is easy to move up in the ranks with some time and dedication.

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Lawn Care

An easy first time job for teens is mowing lawns. Maybe you have some elderly neighbors or a busy family living next door and you’ve noticed that their grass is looking a little long. Offer to mow their lawn for five or ten dollars depending on the size. This may not sound like a lot now, but if you mow their lawn every week then that money will soon start to add up!


Summer Jobs

Summer jobs are always popular for teens because there is no interference with school activities. Many places like summer camps, amusements parks, or public pools only stay open during the summer and are eager to hire teens for extra help. Having a job only during the summer is also a way to ease into the working experience and help you get used to different types of jobs!

Finding first time jobs for teens can often be a difficult time for anyone. It is definitely hard to work around your schedule and taking away from friend time can be a pain. But putting yourself out there for the first time is also an enriching and exciting experience! Just do your best to find a good job that suits you! What are some of your first time jobs as a teen? Any I missed?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Can 13 year olds work in the UK??

You can't wait tables until you're 18. At least in Canada... Unless the restaurant doesn't have it's liquor licence. It scares me when kids don't get jobs until after high school, what are your parents doing?! I can say this because I was forced to get a job at 15 while neither me younger brother or sister got a job until after they finished their grade 12 co-ops and then just got jobs there. Work ethic and responsibility are important

Lifeguarding!! It's hard work but once you're certified and working its incredibly worth it and you can start at 15!! xx

I'm 14 I really need a job my mom told me I need to start paying for my own stuff but when a fast food restaurant was ready to hire me she won't let me

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