Woman Takes a Selfie Every Day to Document the Worst Year of Her Life ...


Woman Takes a Selfie Every Day to Document the Worst Year of Her Life ...
Woman Takes a Selfie Every Day to Document the Worst Year of Her Life ...

1 in 4 women will experience a form of domestic violence in their lifetimes.

Whether it's physical or emotional, abusers leave their victims feeling helpless, ashamed and worthless. To raise awareness, a Serbian ad agency created a PSA back in 2013 called β€œOne photo a day in the worst year of my life." In it, a woman takes a photo every day for a year to document the abuse she has endured.

The woman's face looks fine at first, but as time goes on, bruises and black eyes appear on her face and neck. At the end, she holds a sign that reads "Help me, I don't know if i will be here tomorrow." And it's true β€” according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one third of all female homicide victims died at the hands of their partners.

Although this video went viral a year ago, the message still resonates for this National Domestic Abuse Awareness Month. It's an epidemic and it shouldn't be swept under the rug any longer.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Oh my god I can't imagine how much pain and hurt she is going through.

This brought tears to my eyes.

Terrible... It's scary if you think how violent men walk amongst us everyday..

My best friend's husband killed her over fifty years ago and he was never charged. I'm not sure things are any better now.

Wow...so sad...

I'm glad my mom never had it so bad...

This is so off topic but I kept thinking there was gonna be a pop up

It's amazing how brave this woman is. I spent a year being sexually abused and I regret not informing and getting help about it. It's time people stand up to this crap

I'm crying now....

I was her. For 9 years of my life I was stuck living through domestic violence. I was in hospitals on a monthly basis and I was beaten every day. Remember that domestic abuse isn't just relationships, it's also family whatever that means anymore. Girls ... guys we may all be victims ... but never ever put up with it. Don't deal with it and let it happen to you. No one deserves that treatment. We are each beautiful people that deserves love. Let yourself be loved because there will always be someone that does. Never put up with it

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