What the Stars Have in Store for You in 2019 ...


What the Stars Have in Store for You in 2019 ...
What the Stars Have in Store for You in 2019 ...

The start of a new year is always an exciting time. We are all wondering what adventures and successes we might experience in the next twelve months, along with a touch of nerves about the unknown and unexpected nature of what might be coming our way! Wouldn’t it be helpful if there were a way to find out what might be happening for you in the year ahead? Oh, I know, how about some astrology! Here is what the stars have in store for you in 2019 for your zodiac sign.



2019 is going to be a year in which you really expand your horizons and open yourself up to experiences that you haven’t had before. This could be either personally or professionally, or both!



This is the year where you are finally going to go through that transformation that you have been dreaming about, leaving behind the old you and saying hello to the newer, better version of yourself.



I don’t want you to get too excited, but the fact is that this year you are going to experience the greatest happiness of your life! What that is, exactly, it’s hard to say, but amazing things are definitely coming your way!



Quite simply, 2019 is going to be the year where you land that dream job and finally work out the perfect balance of work and play.



2019 is going to be another year where you do what Leos do best, have fun! Expect lots of travel, lots of new friendships, perhaps even a new relationship to put the cherry on top of the cake!



You are going to realize that home really is where the heart is this year. Before now you have been a free spirit, but 2019 might be the year to start putting down some roots.



This year is going to be all about communication with you. You are going to do some great writing, make great friendships, perhaps even become an amazing teacher in the process?



2019 is the year in which you are going to start standing up for yourself. You have been in the background for far too long, and now finally you are going to have the confidence to speak up!



When I say you are going to be lucky this year, I really mean it! All the stars are aligned for you to have an amazing twelve months. Everything you touch is going to turn in to gold!



You are going to make huge strides this year, and you are going to do that by working alone. You have always been a team player, but in 2019, it is time to take some initiative and strike out on your own.



This is the year when you are going to make your wildest dreams come true! All of those plans you’ve been thinking about but never acted on, well, 2019 is the time when you need to make them a reality!



You are going to have a great year professionally. Your hard work is finally going to be noticed and it will mean that great things are coming your way!

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