7 Ways to Stick to Your Resolutions ...


7 Ways to Stick to Your Resolutions ...
7 Ways to Stick to Your Resolutions ...

Make this year count by sticking to your 2020 resolutions and don't make this another year of wasted forgotten promises and goals. Resolutions are the perfect kick start to our year, helping us to make positive changes and differences to our lives. Whether you choose to quit smoking (whoop whoop) or shed a few extra pounds, trying to change old habits and start news ones requires bravery and determination. If you want to succeed you need to take your resolutions seriously and get a game plan - after all «failing to prepare is preparing to fail». So follow my 7 ways to stick to your 2020 resolutions, and achieve the possible (yes - i do mean possible not impossible!)

Snapshot Survey

Do you prefer a calm and quiet environment or a bustling and lively one?

Keep It Simple

I think sometimes people fall short on their resolutions by making them too difficult and detailed. Make sure you pick just one goal that is clear and has a set time frame. When you think about your resolution, will you be able to look back and clearly answer yes or no to whether you have achieved your goal? For example if you want to get fit, don’t make your resolution to exercise every day as you are likely to fall off the wagon at some point – pick a specific target such as completing a ten kilometre run. Keeping things simple is a sure-fire way to help you stick to your 2020 resolutions.


Make It Visual

Get out your pens and paint and have a Crafternoon! Write your goal out on a big piece of card and decorate it accordingly and then place it on your bedroom wall. Every day you will wake up and see your visual reminder and start the day positively with your resolution in mind. You may find it helpful to have a calendar so that you can mark off every day that passes in which you are one step closer to your goal – particularly helpful with exercise goals.


Spread the Word

Make sure that you tell friends, family and work colleagues about your new aspirations. This is a vital step to achieving your goal, as simply by saying it out loud reinforces your determination to succeed and dramatically boost your chances of making it a reality. Don’t be afraid to tell people about your goals. Achieving resolutions isn’t easy and you will need the support of others. For example, If you tell everyone that you have quit smoking, friends will be watching over you when your willpower runs low and they could be the deciding factor keeping you on track.


Find Inspiration

Chasing your dreams isn’t always easy – so when you’re running low on motivation, find inspiration in the words and images of others. The gift of the Internet gives us quick and easy access to thousands of quotes to provide sustenance for the soul. Find a quote that has meaning for you and then surround yourself with the words. Print it off and stick it on the fridge, have it as a screensaver on your phone, or if you are trying to save money, write the words on a sticky label on your credit card. Make sure that when you are feeling low, you will see the words that give you strength and inspiration to carry on.


Treat Yourself

If you are going to spend money – why not invest in yourself. You don’t need to spend a lot but treat yourself to something that will give you pleasure and help you maintain your resolution. If you are hoping to get fit perhaps treat yourself to a new sports bra and running trainers, or if you resolution is to work harder at your career you might want to purchase some new office clothes that make you feel good when you reach work. You will feel so much satisfaction when you get to use your new items when working towards your resolution.


Create a Vision Board

A vision board is another arts activity – it involves scouring the Internet, magazines and images you have home to make a picture board of how you see yourself i.e. the new you. It is a collection of things that you love and are important to you. On my vision board I have a picture of a scuba diver as I love to dive, there is a picture of my family (very important) and there is a picture of money – as in 2020 I want to be rid of all my financial woes. This activity will help you see what’s truly important to you, so you can identify who you want to be. Remember to include an image related to your resolution, as it should be at the heart of your vision.


Start Today

On your marks, get set, GO! Procrastination is a huge factor in people not achieving their goals. No matter how big the mountain you need to climb, just remember to take on step at a time, starting today. Make every single day count. If your resolution is to have a pension or savings account why not start by setting aside just 1 dollar every day into a piggy bank. It won’t seem a lot at first, but over time you will soon see the money build up.

I hope you have found these tips to help you stick to your 2020 resolutions useful. Achieving your New Year’s Resolutions or for that matter any life goal usually requires hard work and perseverance – so be strong, you will make it. Overcoming our challenges can bring so much joy to our lives, so remember every time you want to give up just visualize how good you will feel if you manage to succeed with your dreams… just hold on one more day. What are your 2020 Resolutions to stick to?

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