7 Ways to Deal with Someone You Don't Want to Be Friends with ...

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7 Ways to Deal with Someone You Don't Want to Be Friends with ...

Do you need some ways to deal with someone you don't want to be friends with? It's really rather awkward when someone wants to make friends with you but you don't really click with them. Sometimes they try a bit too hard to be your friend, and you don't want to bluntly tell them you're not interested. But how can you diplomatically deter someone? Here are some ways to deal with someone you don't want to be friends with:

1 Be Firm

One of the ways to deal with someone you don't want to be friends with is to be firm and not cave in. Giving in to someone who is persistent will just mean that you end up maintaining a 'friendship' that doesn't mean anything and resenting the other person for imposing themselves on you. Don't let it start, and you won't have to finish it.


The truth is, not everyone is meant to be friends. It’s important to be selective about who you let into your life, and if someone is making unwanted advances, it’s best to be firm and not cave in. If you give in to someone who is persistent, you risk maintaining a ‘friendship’ that doesn’t mean anything and resenting the other person for imposing themselves on you.

There are several other ways to deal with someone you don’t want to be friends with. For instance, if you’re in the same social circle, you can try to politely ignore them. If they’re trying to start conversations with you, don’t engage or respond to them. Keep the conversation brief and don’t give away too much information about yourself.

If they’re not part of your social circle, you can try to be honest with them. Let them know that you’re not interested in being friends and that you don’t feel comfortable with the situation. It’s important to be direct and respectful, and let them know that their advances are unwanted.

You can also try to be assertive.

2 Remain Friendly

Even if you don't want to be friends with someone, you should still maintain a courteous attitude towards them. There's a difference between being friends and being friendly; the latter doesn't mean that you'll be encouraging them. You can still be civil, so try to resist being rude in an attempt to put them off.


It's important to remember that you don't have to be friends with everyone you meet. Nonetheless, it's important to remain friendly and civil even when you don't want to be friends with someone. This means that you should still be polite and courteous even if you don't want to encourage them. Avoid being rude or hostile, as this could make the situation worse. Remember that being friendly doesn't mean that you have to be friends with someone, but it does mean that you should treat them with respect.

3 Impose Limits

If you don't mind this person too much, but you just don't want to be friends with them, try setting limits on your dealings with them. Perhaps you don't mind hanging around with them as part of a group, or having the occasional coffee. If so, try to ensure that you only see them under these circumstances.


Establishing boundaries with someone you're not keen on befriending doesn't have to be harsh. Politely decline one-on-one invitations and suggest group activities instead. If they reach out to make plans, be diplomatic; use phrases like "I think it would be more fun if we all got together," steering the dynamic towards comfortable group interactions. Remember, consistency is key in maintaining these limits, so stick to your social comfort zone without feeling guilty. Even in a close-knit circle, it's perfectly fine to have varying levels of friendship within the group.

4 Avoid Them

Some persistent would-be friends really don't get the hint, and keep on trying to make friends with you. In such a situation, avoiding them may be the best option. Above all, make sure that they don't get hold of your number, or you could be fielding calls all the time. This can also be the best way of dealing with someone who is offended that you don't return their interest.


If avoidance seems to be your last resort, try to tactfully distance yourself without being harsh. This could mean politely declining invitations or being less available for interactions. You might need to adjust your routine or choose different hangout spots if you frequently bump into them. Remember, it's important to remain cordial and respectful even when setting these boundaries. Be clear but kind, as you would not want to hurt someone's feelings unintentionally. Creating this personal space could communicate your intentions without the need for a confrontational situation.

5 Be Unavailable

If someone you don't want to be friends with gets hold of your number don't answer their calls. It may be a bit cowardly to avoid answering them, but eventually they will get the message and stop calling. And if they ask you face to face if you want to do something on a specific date, tell them you're not free then.


Creating space can be a gentle move towards setting boundaries. If they text, consider replying late or with short, unengaging responses. Making yourself less available sends a subtle signal that you are not interested in deepening the connection without having to have a direct, possibly uncomfortable, conversation. Just ensure you're consistent with this approach. If you occasionally send mixed signals by being warm and conversational, they might miss the hint. Remember, keeping your well-being in mind, it's okay to choose who you invest your time and energy in.

6 Be Busy

Don't feel guilty about saying no to someone if you don't have the time or inclination to be friends with them. It's kinder to both of you than going along with something you don't want to do. If they invite you to something directly, then explain that you are too busy at the moment, even if you have to do so every time they ask.


Remember, your time is precious and it's important to set boundaries for engagements and relationships that don't align with your personal values or schedule. It's perfectly acceptable to have prior commitments or to prioritize your self-care and personal projects. You can be gracious yet firm when expressing your unavailability, ensuring that you convey a sense of respect while preserving your own space. Over time, your consistent stance will help establish your boundaries clearly without causing undue offense to others.

7 Find Them Another Friend

Perhaps you really don't have anything in common with this person, but you know someone else who does. In that case, you could play friend matchmaker and introduce them. And if they don't want to be friends either, simply give them the link to this article and they'll know what to do!

You don't have to be friends with someone if you don't want to, so don't feel obliged. Just be polite about explaining that you don't have time/would rather not meet for coffee etc. Have you ever been pestered by someone who wouldn't take no for an answer?

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