7 Ways to Beat the Post-Holiday Blues ...


The lights are down, the trimmings put away, the calories have been eaten with gusto, and now the only thing left to do is find some ways to beat the post-holiday blues. While it may seem like you are in the midst of the dreariest part of the year, there’s actually a lot of sparkle still to experience. Follow these ways to be the post-holiday blues, and you’ll be in the pink in no time!

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Get Back into the Swing ASAP!

One of the most effective ways to beat the post-holiday blues is to get your groove back. Besides, how many Christmas rum cakes can we drink…er, eat anyway? Were you going to the gym a solid three to four times a week before letting the December good times roll? Hop back on the treadmill with the same gusto with which you ate Aunt Meg’s mashed potatoes. Were you making it a point to play with your pet an extra ten minutes before work everyday? Pick up that squeaky thingamajig that scares you every night on your way to the bathroom, and give little Pookie some quality time. Getting back to your old routine will help you to remember that the fun doesn’t end when the holidays do.



So the menorah is put away, or the tree is tucked back in the attic, or both! Now that you have that space where they used to be, think of new things you could do with it. How about leaving the couch where it is, and adding a small writing desk? Or maybe consider getting that rug you’ve always wanted as a visual pick-me-up. You might even decide to keep all of the decorative players in the room the same, but just shake up their positions a bit. It’s amazing how a new perspective on an old situation can make you see things in a whole new light!


Trip Yourself

Whether it’s to the antique market in the next town over or Vancouver, plan something that helps you to get over St Nick. Near or far, think of someplace you’ve always wanted to go, and commit to it. There’s nothing like a new passion to help you get over an old love!



You may have lost track of some of your friends during the holiday season, with them going to their family and professional get-togethers, and you to yours. Call that jogging buddy and make an exercise date. Knock on your fun neighbor’s door and start planning the Spring Block Party. Remind yourself that the good times haven’t left, they’re just wearing different clothes.


After Christmas Sale Therapy

When the half-off signs come out, go in for the kill! Just make sure that when you take your shopper’s aim, it’s something you truly need, or deeply, honestly love. In order to make it even sweeter, use your debit card and leave the credit at home. If you’ve been prudent over the holidays, you don’t want to ruin it now. And if you haven’t, make this trip your new leaf to turn over!

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Whenever you’re feeling blue, the best way to pick yourself up is to extend a hand to another. Whether it’s at your kid’s school, the local food pantry, or the library, someone will want to take you up on your benevolent offer of time. And as an aside, isn’t being selfless and thoughtful one of the best ways to keep the holiday spirit going all year long?


Plan a Post-Holiday Blues Party

Don’t ignore the pink elephant in the room. Throw a Pity Party for you and the other Holiday Lovers you know. Let them wear their ugly sweaters one last time this season, play the music you know by heart, and do one more pink elephant present give-away using all of your least favorite gifts of the season. Who knows—that mooing milk pitcher from Cousin Sal may be just the ticket for your cereal-loving pal!

The holidays are such a beautiful time to give thanks for all of the blessings in our lives through fun, festivities, and food. But it doesn’t have to stop on January 2nd. Using these ways to beat the post-holiday letdown will make you feel like it’s a wonderful life all year long! What is one of your favorite ways to beat the after-holiday blues?

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