7 Unusual Holidays to Celebrate in June ...


There aren’t many traditional holidays to celebrate in June besides Father’s Day and the first day of summer. However, there are a lot of unusual holidays to celebrate in June. In fact, there is something to celebrate just about every day. Perhaps some of these nontraditional holidays will interest you and you will celebrate them this year.

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National Doughnut Day

National Doughnut Day is held the first Friday in June, and this year it is on June 6. This day honors the Salvation Army “Lassies” of WWI who served home cooked food to the American troops. It is also a day of fundraising for the Salvation Army. To celebrate this day, doughnut shops often give away free doughnuts and ask for donations for the Salvation Army. If you like doughnuts, this will be one of your favorite holidays to celebrate in June.


Best Friend’s Day

Best Friend’s Day is celebrated every June 8. As the name suggests, it is a day to celebrate your best friend. Considering that your best friend is always there for you, you may want to celebrate this day. You could get together with your best friend and do some of your favorite activities. If you really want to go all out, you could give him or her a card or even a gift.

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Flag Day

Flag Day is an American holiday that was created to celebrate and show respect for the flag and its designer, Betsy Ross. While it is a holiday, Flag Day is not often celebrated. I do know of one town in Southwest Wyoming that celebrates Flag Day by flying flags from all over the world. You can follow suit and fly a flag on Flag Day!


Eat Your Vegetables Day

Every June 17 is Eat Your Vegetables Day. While I think everyday should be eat your vegetables day, having a day to encourage healthy eating is great. Vegetables are, after all, very nutritious! To celebrate Eat Your Vegetables Day, try making your meals for the day focused on vegetables.


Take Your Dog to Work Day

Take Your Dog to Work Day was established in 1996 by Pet Sitters International, and it is celebrated on June 20. Depending on where you work and your boss, you might actually be able to take your dog to work on June 20! It can be fun, although a bit distracting, to have your dog with you when you work.

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Forgiveness Day

June 26 is National Forgiveness Day, and Global Forgiveness Day is celebrated two months later on August 27. This holiday began in 1994 and was created by the Christian Embassy for Christ’s Ambassadors. While it was created by a Christian group, forgiveness can, and should, be celebrated by people of all beliefs. Forgiveness is so important. Holding on to anger only hurts you.


Sunglasses Day

By June 27, Sunglasses Day, the sky can be pretty bright and sunny. So, wearing a pair of cool sunglasses on this day is a great way to celebrate. Of course, you can also look at it as an excuse to buy a new pair of sunglasses. Who doesn’t love new sunglasses?

While these are unusual holidays, there is no reason not to celebrate them. Celebrating nontraditional holidays makes life more exciting and interesting. Which of these holidays are you going to celebrate?

Source: holidayinsights.com

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When is flag day?

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I have Shavuot to celebrate. BRING ME MY CHEESECAKE

what day is flag day?

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