8 Top Vegan Blogs of 2013 ...


8 Top Vegan Blogs of 2013 ...
8 Top Vegan Blogs of 2013 ...

If you’re a veggie-loving vegan or semi-vegan, then more than likely you’re a reader of the top vegan blogs out in cyberspace. If you’re not familiar with vegan eating, or opposed to it, I can assure you that my list of the top vegan blogs of 2013 may just change your mind. VEGANS EAT GOOD FOOD and they usually love to blog about it. Even if you just want to add more healthy foods to your diet, vegan blogs can be a great way to learn how to do that. Most are very passionate and not opposed to others who aren't vegan. They are simply excited about animal-free food. Here are my picks for the top vegan blogs of 2013 to get you started. These were chosen in growing popularity, Google searches, and include some of my personal favorites. They are listed in random order.

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Happy Healthy Life

Happy Healthy Life Kathy Patalsky is an excellent photographer, blogger, and recipe designer that truly sets the precedent for the top vegan blogs of 2013. Kathy is passionate and talented about blogging, food and being vegan. Originally not designed to be a vegan website, her recipes became so popular, it is now exclusively vegan. Kathy has a special brand known as the Lunchbox Bunch, which contains characters in the shape of veggies that help kids learn to eat healthy. Kathy also has her first book out this year, titled 365 Smoothies. She loves smoothies and since they are a common love between vegans and non-vegans, the book is perfect for anyone. Kathy is also an AMAZING cook. Her recipes know no limit outside of being cruelty-free! She is inspiring on all levels.

Source: kblog.lunchboxbunch.com


Crazy Sexy Life

Crazy Sexy Life Kris Carr built her own business through how becoming vegan changed her life by healing herself of cancer. It’s hard to get more inspirational than that. Once an animal eater, Kris found herself extremely ill and turned to being vegan to find the answer. It worked and she survived to tell her story to others. She runs a fabulous vegan blog, as well as being the author of the popular book, Crazy Sexy Diet, which was a New York Times Bestseller. Kris has been featured on Oprah and Dr. Oz, just to name a few of her appearances and achievements. Her recipes are fun, sustainable, affordable and delicious.

Source: kriscarr.com

Frequently asked questions


Oh She Glows

Oh She Glows Angela Liddon’s passion for vegan food comes through in her delicious photos, recipes and words. She once owned her own business of nutritional energy bars, but has now devoted herself to writing her first cookbook. Angela used to suffer from disordered eating and unhealthy views towards food until she became vegan. Filled with inspiration and nutrition, her recipes are unique, versatile, and appealing to anyone. Her photography is beautiful and her heart for others and animals shines through her words.

Source****: ohsheglows.com


Finding Vegan

Finding Vegan Finding Vegan is actually a website for bloggers who are vegan, therefore you get a HOST of bloggers, all in one place. This is a fantastic place to start if you’re new to the idea of being vegan. The food is always delicious and never boring. Many recipes feature healthy versions that are animal product free of traditional recipes that aren't animal free. This website is constantly updated which is also nice.

Source: findingvegan.com


Choosing Raw

Gena Hamshaw is currently in medical school to become an M.D., and is a Certified Nutritionist. Her story of becoming vegan is remarkable, as she healed herself of disordered eating and IBS through a vegan diet. Gena’s recipes are always fresh, trendy and unconventionally delicious. She is extremely intelligent and has a great sense of humor. She encourages but does not dictate a lifestyle of eating raw plant foods. Her recipes are appealing to all and her posts are always inspiring.

Source: choosingraw.com

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Chocolate Covered Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie Perhaps one of the most popular among vegan baking, Katie is fantastic about creating delicious vegan treats. Most of her recipes are for truly healthy sweets, baked goods and many are raw, but certainly don’t lack in taste. She is truly inspiring, talented and excited about living a vegan lifestyle. You will never feel deprived reading her blog and tasting her recipes. She is also in the works of starting a cookbook.

Source: chocolatecoveredkatie.com


Post Punk Kitchen

Post Punk Kitchen If you think being vegan is boring, this website will prove you wrong! Created in a cramped Brooklyn kitchen, Isa Chandra created this blog with passion, purpose and success. Her recipes are fun, and know no limits. The best part? SHE RUNS A VEGAN COOKING SHOW! She knew she wanted to put a popular spin on being vegan to show others how to live a cruelty-free and delicious lifestyle and greatly succeeded. Her blog will convince you how versatile and easy being vegan truly is.

**Source: **theppk.com


Healthy Bitch Daily

Healthy Bitch Daily Not only does she have a catchy title for her blog, Kim Barnouin is the co-author of New York Times Bestseller Skinny Bitch, one of the most popular books to give a straightforward, facts only approach to being vegan. She gets down and dirty when talking about the truth behind most animal products and her recipe site is growing in popularity, just as her book did. She also inspires others to learn about the environmental and economic benefits of being vegan, outside of health benefits.

**Source: **healthybitchdaily.com

Do you have a favorite vegan blog? Share it with us! Eating vegan food can be fun and beneficial, even if you’re not one. With these 8 blogs, you are well on your way to learning about an increasingly popular lifestyle without deprivation.

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Thank you for posting more vegan info/article keep it coming!!!

Number one is my favorite

I'm sorry, but is it just me or does it seem like a majority of vegans are extremely pale and/or look like they're going to break in half?

Wich One do you prefer ?

@lindsey I'm not pale I have a perfect natural tan

@Lindsey I'm pale when I don't use self tanner... Has nothing to do with being vegan. Also, go ahead and look up how many athletes are vegan. Body builders, football players, Tri athletes. I've seen a lot of pale, frail meat-eaters, and plenty of overweight ones too. I think it's more individual than "vegan" or "not vegan".

My sister writes for the Miami new times website she is THE BEET REPORTER google and check it out! She's awesomem

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