7 Tips for Improving Reading and Writing Skills if You Suffer from Dyslexia ...


Dyslexia is not such an easy thing to live with, and that’s why improving reading and writing skills is one of the most important things that someone affected by this disorder should do. It’s not an impossible thing to achieve; you just need a lot of patience and you have to practice a lot, well, actually a lot harder than most people, but I’m sure that the amazing results you’ll obtain will motivate you to keep going and to not give up on your dreams. You can reach all your goals if you work hard enough and if you stay focused on what you have to do to be successful. Here are a few very useful tips for improving reading and writing skills if you suffer from dyslexia:

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Use a Computer

One of the most efficient tips for improving reading and writing skills that I could give you if you suffer from dyslexia is to tell you to try to use a computer every time you write something. There are programs such as Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer that fix spelling and grammar. If you type certain words incorrectly, just write them down with their correct spellings on a little piece of paper and try memorizing them.


Change the Color of the Paper

A simple thing like changing the color of the paper you write things on will help you significantly improve your reading and writing skills. You can also use color transparencies laid over the printed page or you could use glasses with colored lenses. You should know that different colors work for different people, so if a certain color doesn’t work for you, just keep on looking for the right one!

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Check to See if Your School Offers Free Testing

In most countries, schools should offer free testing for dyslexia and most of the time, they are also be able to refer you to a support group that can help you find new ways to deal with this disorder. You should know that there are a lot of methods that can help in studying, test-taking and writing.


Document the Problem

If you want to be eligible for services, you must document the problem first because most times, dyslexia is not only one problem, it can be many problems that can affect the way you read and write. Thus, in the long term, it can really affect your academic performance. Just get a full diagnostic work up through your local public school's special education team.


Determine Your Learning Style

One of the most useful things you can do if you have dyslexia is to determine your learning style because this way, you will be able to know what works best for you and what doesn’t suit your needs. If you or your parents have insurance, get a thorough eye and audiological evaluation and ask not only a psychologist, but also a licensed speech therapist to do a full evaluation, so they’ll be able to help you determine your learning style.

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Students Can Get Free and Appropriate Services

If you are going to college in the US, you shouldn’t worry if you suffer from dyslexia because there is a US federal law that protects students with handicapping conditions and that allows them to get free and appropriate services. For example, you may be eligible for “reading services for the blind and dyslexic” in Bryn Mawr, PA.


Keep a Journal

Even if this may be a bit hard to believe, keeping a journal can significantly improve your writing skills. Just try to write at least 500 words every day and each time, try to include a new word, something that you don’t normally use, just to learn its spelling better. This is also a very effective therapeutic tool, since it will allow you to get rid of all those emotions that are affecting your well-being.

Being dyslexic is not easy, especially if you are a student who is very passionate about learning new things. You shouldn’t despair though, because there are quite a lot of things you can do to overcome the obstacles created by this disorder. Do you know any other tips for improving reading and writing skills? Please tell us about them in the comments section!

Sources: psychcentral.com, ragan.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

My sister has this. She is almost 17 and only got to learn to read properly about 6 years ago. It took her until she was ten to learn the difference between "actually" and "Ashleigh." Before that, they were the same thing among other words like "skirt" and "shirt." She is completely normal and happy otherwise. She doesn't know any different. I battle with neurological issues myself. It isn't easy.

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