7 Simple Ways to Stay Sane during the Holidays ...


However much we all love Christmas, it can be a little stressful at times but there are some simple ways to stay sane during the holidays that will help relieve the stresses and strains. If you have a large family for example, the pre-festive panic usually begins much earlier with the planning and preparation and the usual arguments about who's going where for dinner. And there's always the desire not to offend so you often find yourself compromising your own sanity and well-being to please others, but that's us women hey! Here are some simple ways to stay sane during the holiday season.

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Get Online

Oh the weather outside is frightful and that's surely why the Internet was invented! Make the most of the fabulous deals online and shop from the comfort of your own home. This can take some of the stress out of Christmas, which is often exacerbated by the chore of battling through the hoards of shoppers. There are some great sites such as Etsy.com and notonthehighstreet.com, to name just two! Also, recent research has shown that shopping direct from the suppliers can be cheaper, which is something to bear in mind if you're shopping online. This is one of the best ways to stay sane during the holidays and relieve some of the shopping stress that often accompanies it.


Journal It

I'm a big fan of journaling and believe it can really help to clarify things in your mind. It's particularly useful when you're going through a stressful period in life so if things are getting a little too much over the holidays, write down your feelings. It's a great tool to help you deal with your emotions.



This is often a busy time with the family descending upon the home and dozens of wonderful cherubs running around the house and screaming at the top of their lungs. So sweet...And a little stressful. If you can, try to take half an hour out of your day to meditate. This is a great way to clear your thoughts and help you to put everything into perspective. If meditating is too much and you can't quite get to that totally 'switched off' zen-like state, relax in a bath with some candles and soothing music and close your eyes or simply lie in a darkened room with some soothing music to help you relax. Even going for a walk can help. Taking time out for you and you only, can really help when you're entertaining lots of people.



Just because it's Christmas, it doesn't mean you can neglect your exercise routine so if you can, make time for exercise. It will make it so much easier for you to deal with the stress of the festive season and also help boost your immunity in the colder months. After all, who wants to start the new year feeling ill?



Yes, it only comes but once a year but if you want to avoid the festive bloat and the dreaded "I can't fit into my clothes" scenario in January, then be sure to exercise moderation this coming festive season. I don't believe in deprivation either, as this can just make foods all the more alluring and tempting. Just try not to go overboard and listen to your body.

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Essential Oils

Essential oils can be great at easing the stresses and strains of the festive season. There are so many ways you can use your favorite calming essential oils during the holidays, which will leave you feeling more balanced and refreshed. For example, lavender is an ESSENTIAL essential oil to have at this time of year because of its calming qualities. Sprinkle some drops on a handkerchief and breathe in the calming aroma whenever the need arises. Alternatively, put a few drops on your pillow to help you have a restful sleep that night before Christmas.


Plan for Jan

January is always a difficult month where people are usually super stressed and on a post-festive season low because their pockets are empty and they can't do up their favorite pair of jeans. Having a plan for the New Year can give you a focus and planning the things you would like to do in the New Year can help you to deal with the sometimes dull and dreary January. Remember, you have to stay strong and sane for for the all important January sales!

These are just a few tips to help you stay sane during the hectic holiday season. What tips do you have for dealing with Christmas chaos?

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Embrace it, the holidays only come around once a year, so why not just embrace and enjoy them.

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