Why We're Happy That Fall is Just around the Corner ...


While summer is of course breezy, carefree, and fun, there are so many reasons to look forward to autumn once August lazily rolls around. I don't know about you, but I'm growing tired of walking outside and squinting in the blazing sun while my ears drown in the irritating noise of cicadas and incessant lawnmowers. I've just about had it with sweaty afternoons, and the cold, sterile buzz of my clunky air conditioner. There are so many reasons to look forward to autumn and all of its crisp, colorful glory.

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The Colors

The Colors There's no doubt that the stunning colors are one of the reasons to look forward to autumn. Popular knowledge indicates that leaves "change" in the fall, but did you know that they are originally red, orange, or yellow? The green color is caused by chlorophyll, a pigmentation that is vital to a plant's food-making process. When the weather cools down, chlorophyll degrades, and the trees all reveal their true colors. There's nothing like taking an autumn stroll and admiring a rain of warm, rich hues. Don't you miss the flaming crimsons, rusty oranges, and golden yellows?


The Smells

The Smells I'm ready to say goodbye to the smell of chlorine and sunscreen lingering on my skin. Autumn welcomes so many fresh fragrances and snuggly aromas. Homes become decorated in spices and candles that remind us of fall's splendors even when we're indoors. There's something about scents like cinnamon, pumpkin, and nutmeg that are so earthy and inviting. Good riddance to humidity, because it's so lovely to step outside and breathe in the crisp smell of leaves and smoke rising from your neighbor's chimney.


The Temperature

The Temperature There's nothing like pulling a sweater over your head on a frosty morning and enjoying a hot bowl of oatmeal for breakfast; however, autumn's cool temperatures make sure to rise for warm, golden afternoons. It's so nice to shed some layers while raking or picking apples, and I love bundling up all over again when evening hits. Happiness strikes when it's time for my bulky, eyesore of an air conditioner to hit storage. I much prefer cracking some windows and letting the fresh air and natural light spill into the room.


Autumn Rain

Autumn Rain Rainy autumn days are so peaceful. It's relaxing to open your windows a bit and listen to the raindrops pitter-patter on the leaves blanketing the cool ground. Also, the glass panes look so beautiful streaked with autumn colors and beads of rain. I love lighting some candles, snuggling up with comfy blankets, and picking up a good book. Sadly, I don't have a working fireplace, but I always imagine the sound of crackling fire wood would mix so perfectly with this image of a rainy fall afternoon.


Hot Beverages

Hot Beverages Enough with iced-teas and cold drinks! Autumn means that it's time for my fellow hot beverage lovers to rejoice and pull out their favorite mugs. The aroma of a nice, warm drink is incredibly therapeutic. Hot apple cider. Burning chai tea. Scalding coffees. There is something so much more satisfying about a hot beverage than a cold one. With a change in weather comes the excuse to drink what basically tastes like a melted down chocolate bar. Revel in the steam of liquid perfection.

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Delicious Food

Delicious Food Barbeques are fun and watermelon is great, but I'm ready for some delectable autumn goodies. When the weather cools down, it's easier to enjoy cooking your kitchen. I love the feeling of walking into my warm house all rosy-cheeked and settling down to a hot bowl of homemade chicken soup. Colorful vegetables and herbs shine during the fall season; but I have a weakness for autumn confections. I can't wait for fresh apple cider, donuts, pumpkin bread, and pies. When the stress of bikini season finally comes to a close, it's so much fun to enjoy sticky caramel apples, the sweet smell of candy corn, and the musical rustle of Halloween chocolate bar wrappers.


Sweater Weather

Sweater Weather Are there any of you out there just yearning to free your sweaters, scarves, and boots from storage? Snug sweaters and chunky knits are so much fun to wear and, on the plus side, they're incredibly comfortable! I'm ready to bid farewell to cool summer tones and invite warm, autumn hues back into my wardrobe. For both low maintenance girls, like myself, and passionate fashionistas, it's so simple and effortless to look stylish in an oversized sweater, leggings, and a pair of your favorite boots. Sweater weather is better weather.


Back to School

Back to School For the moms: after weeks of your kids running wild and free, I'm sure that you can't wait to send your munchkins back to school! For the students: this season may seem off-putting at first, but hear me out. Think about the brand new backpacks, fresh folders, and that delightful spine-crack of an unused composition notebook. I love shopping for school supplies, and nothing gets me more excited for classes to begin then some goodies from Staples or Target. Stylish daily planners, the smell of new erasers, stacks of highlighters, pens, and pencils to be divided amongst you and your siblings. These are your weapons to conquer all of your classes!


Apple Picking

Apple Picking One of the most classic beginnings to the autumn season is apple picking! My family used to go every year when I was younger, and though we don't anymore, this is a tradition that I plan to continue some day with friends, or eventually a family of my own! If you live in the city or in the suburbs like I do, it's so nice to explore a rural area and see the sprawling landscape painted in those dazzling, warm fall colors. It's so nice to walk through an orchard on a brisk, sunny morning, gathering as many apples as you can carry. The smell and taste of fresh apples is unparalleled by grocery store produce, and nothing can compare to that first sweet, juicy bite. You'll return home with barrels of apples, but even more precious memories with family, friends, or a significant other!


Holiday Preparations

Holiday Preparations One of the best reasons to look forward to autumn is the fantastic domino of holidays that are, for some reason, all bunched together at the end of the year! Time starts to fly once September begins, and spooky Halloween just can't wait to sneak up on you. It's so fun to curl up on a cool October night and watch Halloween specials like Hocus Pocus, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and, a personal favorite, It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! Look forward to enjoying the comforting yet eerie glow of jack-o'-lanterns lining the block for All Hallows' Eve.


Football Season

Football Season Whether you are an avid football fan or not, this season is something to look forward to because it means fun parties with friends and family! There's something so special and so wonderful about autumn's camaraderie. Football brings communities together to cheer on their heroes and bond over delicious food! There's nothing like rooting for your favorite team and getting excited with the people around you. Even if you don't follow football, there's something heart-warming about preparing snacks in a warm kitchen while you listen to the smart-voiced commentators, the roar of a crowd, and the enthusiasm of your loved ones.

These are just a handful of the reasons that I'm looking forward to autumn! Are you looking forward to fall as well? What are some of the things that you can't wait for?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

We only do and get like half of those things in California haha

Autumn is just the best time of the year.....For all the reasons in this article. Plus it means that Christmas is on its way!!!!!


Love Love Fall!! Great article, so looking forward to my most favorite season!👢🍁🍂🎃👻

Sweaters and blankets. I love.

People should still wear sunscreen even if it's not summer :/

Can't wait for fall and winter!!!!theyre my favorite thing in the world! I'm so frickin done with summer!

Can't wait till it's fall!!!!❤️

I love this article!!! Genuinely has me so excited now for the fall, and im a summer person!! Great writing!! 💛💛💛🍁🍁🍁

Back to routine!!!

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