13 Phrases and Words People Need to Stop Using ...


13 Phrases and Words People Need to Stop Using ...
13 Phrases and Words People Need to Stop Using ...

Step away from the keyboard, as I share with you the words people need to stop using this year. I don’t know about you but I’m over hearing and reading the same thoughts, from different people. I blame pop culture and the ability to copy and paste just about everything, for the limited vocabulary we see nowadays. Sure, words can mean so much at times, but there are several statements that stand for nothing. Take a stand AGAINST the words people need to stop using, once and for all.

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Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That

If these aren’t the words people need to stop using this year, I don’t know what they are! Well, if one had no time for… whatever “that” is, why talk about it in the first place? Thanks to the magic of YouTube, viral sensation Sweet Brown has managed to bring this over-used phrase into the mainstream to simmer in our brains forever.


This once quirky expression has become the ultimate verbal eye-roll, hasn't it? Sweet Brown, bless her unintentional gift to pop culture, probably had no idea her candid exasperation would turn into the go-to line for anyone trying to sound sassy yet pressed for time. But let's be honest, overuse has drained it of its original charm. It's time we retire this line and find fresher, more original ways to express our overwhelmed schedules and lack of patience for the trivial. After all, investing in a richer vocabulary will always pay off - and it's something we certainly have time for.


Awesome Sauce

If it’s awesome, then why call it a sauce? Is it not awesome simply by being the way it is? Everything is relative these days, which means your awesome sauce might be nothing more than spaghetti sauce to me. Pass the pasta, and hold the awesome sauce, pretty please?


Double down

I used to think this was a reference to a sexual position. I was highly upset to find out its actual meaning: to make a risky decision (usually a political or another otherwise professional one) that might be profitable – it comes from playing blackjack. I’d rather come up with a more sexual meaning though.


It is What It is

Now, if this isn’t the most hopeless statement of the decade! Sure, there are some things in life we cannot change, like death and taxes. But often times, an “it is what it is” is nothing more than a dismissive phrase which stems from sheer laziness. Either learn to deal with what you cannot change, or come up with a solution to fix the unnecessary drama in your life.


The Next Level

This attempt to make your life more important than mine… it just needs to stop. Besides, isn’t it a given that a next level is pending? Let’s face it: this phrase is a pointless attempt to make the mundane look like… I don’t know… like awesome sauce! Unless the next level is an impressive leap towards a higher tax bracket, don’t ever use this phrase.

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If you watch enough VH1 or read an adequate amount of gossip news, then you already know what it means to be ratchet. It’s about doing just about everything you’ve been told not to do in public, and being as belligerent and low-class as possible. (Now that I think about it, we might need to hold on to this word for a few more months.)



America is supposed to be the land of the free, and you're not the boss of me. Don’t make me choose which foods are "superfoods." It’s all in a matter of opinion anyway, but most food is super to me!



All right, so I understand that you only live once, I completely get that, but how often do you need to say it? How often do you need to use that as an excuse to ... yanno, live?



Oh man, this is a word that I hate! It's a word that most people use when they are ... what? Better than everyone? What exactly is the meaning of 'swag'? Who knows!


That's so Gay

Now, this is actually a phrase that most people should quit right away -- it can be offensive to those that are actually gay! Why use something that is offensive? Let's quit using this phrase right now!


Like a Boss

If you feel like you are a boss -- don't spread the word about it, okay? Seriously, this phrase is something that everyone needs to just stop using all together!


That's What She Said

You might think that it's really funny to add 'that's what she said' after everything but really girls, it isn't! This is a phrase that should have died oh-so-long ago.



Finally, legit is the last word that people just need to retire. The fact that it's not used in the correct format drives me nuts! It's horrible!

If you’re looking for the right words to say, quit spewing out what’s mentioned in this list. How would you like it if I wrote an article double downed with the next level of ratchet superfoods and awesome sauce? On behalf of your listeners and readers, thank you in advance for giving up these words. What other words would you add to this list?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Superfood is probably a good one to keep. It helps us explain foods that are super healthy for us. And Rachet is a keeper :)

I haven't heard most of these...then again I don't really keep up with social media and I don't hang out with people who do.

And " that's what she said " but it's kinda funny

Some of these I have never heard like awesome sauce, double down and superfoods? Lol I think those are probably more American

Where I live rachet means something different.... And as far as I'm concerned the word "ain't" should be banished from any language!

I like the term "superfood" - it makes me feel good about eating things, especially dark chocolate - let's keep that!

This "article" says more about the author than the subject. It says the people in her life are fed up with her complacency, don't want to hear her negativity, and encourage her to "step up her game." There are hundreds of clicheè

This is stupid hahaha

I don't really agree with any of these. Sure, a lot of the time these phrases can be overused and misused, but there's nothing wrong with them in the first place. If this was about the overuse of 'like' or how abbreviations and anagrams are being used in verbal speech (such as lol, wtf, brb, and so on) I would absolutely agree. Language is ever changing, which is why it's so fascinating. I think it is better to preserve these pop culture references for later generations to explore. They will all eventually fall out of fashion. Just look at Shakespeare.

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