7 Items You Should Never Buy Used No Matter What ...

Kayla Dec 14, 2013

7 Items You Should Never Buy Used No Matter What ...
7 Items You Should Never Buy Used No Matter What ...

I love hunting for used bargains at yard sales and I am a firm believer that 'one man's junk is another man's treasure', but I have discovered there are some items you should never buy used. Buying used items is a great way to save a lot of money. You can also find some good items that are no longer sold in stores. When you're on the hunt for used bargains, it's important to know what items to avoid, so I've created a list for you to check out. Here are 7 items you should never buy used.

1. Baby Cribs

Baby Cribs One of the many items you should never buy used is a baby crib. Many cribs cost hundreds of dollars when they are purchased new, making it economical to purchase one used. It's important to remember that even if a used crib looks new, its still used and may not be safe to use. There are tons of recalls on cribs for things like the crib slats being too far apart and cribs that have drop down sides. If you're set on purchasing a used crib or already have, you should make sure that a recall hasn't been issued for it. While antique baby beds are cute, you should avoid purchasing one that was made before 1974 because it could contain lead paint, which is toxic.

2. Car Seats

Car Seats Technology is always changing and car seat regulations are too. When you decide to purchase a used car seat, you risk buying a seat that many no longer meet car seat safety regulations. Most car seats now have expiration dates because once they are used for a few years, the plastic starts to break down and the seat may not be as sturdy as it was when it was new. Most expiration dates can be found stamped somewhere on the seat, but if you're unable to find the date, you should know that most car seats expire within 6 years of their manufacture date. You should also never use a car seat after it's been involved in an auto accident and if you purchase a used seat, you'll never know for sure if it is accident free.

3. Mattresses

Mattresses Many chiropractors recommend that you only use a mattress for 7-10 years, but some people use them for much longer. When you purchase a used mattress, it's impossible to know exactly how old the mattress is or how much it's been slept in. If someone is selling their mattress it's probably lost most of the support that it once had. You also won't be able to tell if there has been any urine, blood, or sweat on the mattress, which can cause a mattress to mold and mildew and be very unsanitary. A used mattress may even be infested with bed bugs, which can be extremely difficult to get rid of and can spread to other areas, if you bring the infested mattress into your home.

4. Cosmetics

Cosmetics Buying used makeup on eBay and at yard sales can be very tempting. After all you may get an item that's only been used once or twice for a fraction of the original cost, but you should never purchase any kind of used cosmetics. There's no way to know if the previous owner took care of the makeup or exactly how fresh it is. If you use eye makeup that someone else has, you could risk getting an eye infection. If you use lipsticks or lip glosses that someone else has, you may get a cold sore. Instead of buying used makeup, shop for new deals on your favorite cosmetic products.

5. Helmets

Helmets A helmet is a wonderful invention that was created to protect your head from injury if you're involved in an accident. While you may find some great deals on helmets at a local flea market or yard sale, you shouldn't purchase them. Helmets are only meant to be used through one accident. When you purchase one used, you may be buying a helmet that's been involved in multiple accidents. It can be difficult to tell whether a helmet has been involved in an accident or not. Many helmets look similar, so it's difficult to tell how long they've been used for. Regardless of the type of helmet you're looking for, buying a new one is the best option.

6. Shoes

Shoes You can find some great deals on gently worn shoes at yard sales and consignment stores, but it's best not to buy them. While a used pair of shoes may have fit the original owner perfect, you may find that they hurt both your feet and legs. This is because they have conformed to fit their foot, not yours. Used shoes are also a great hiding place for bacteria. When you purchase them, you risk catching things like warts and athletes foot. If you decide to purchase a used pair of shoes, be sure to wash and disinfect them to reduce your chances of catching something.

7. Swimwear

Swimwear Even if it looks like it's in great shape and you can get a great deal on it, never buy used swimwear. Since swimwear fits closely to the body, it can become filled with germs and bacteria quickly. Even if used swimwear is washed, bacteria can still live in the material. If you don't personally know the person selling the swimsuit, there's no way to know how clean the person is with their clothing or with themselves. If you're trying to save on swimwear, watch sales or consider purchasing swimwear off season, when you can find some excellent deals.

Buying an item used is a great way to save a few bucks, but its important to make sure that the items you purchase are safe and hygienic. Do you like buying used items? What items do you think you should always purchase new?

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