How to Free Yourself from Breakouts Naturally ...


How to Free Yourself from Breakouts Naturally ...
How to Free Yourself from Breakouts Naturally ...

We all want clear, good looking skin. We don't want to look in the mirror when we're getting ready to go out on a date and have a blemish pop up on our face; it's embrassing and can make us feel self-conscious. But we also don't want to put the wrong products on our face, especially ones that might make us break out even more. To help all of us learn a little more about how to clear those acne breakouts more naturally guest blogger Sierra Dawson is here to give us some great tips.

How to Fight Breakouts Naturally....

"I have learned over the years how to free myself from breakouts. I’ve tried many different home remedies with good to not so good success. By trial and error I have learned about my skin and what works for the combination skin that I have. Now, there are different skin types ranging from dry to oily and then there is combination skin. Combination skin requires a little more work because you are dealing with two different types of problems at the same time. This can be challenging, but you can do it!

'Acne is one of the most common dermatologic (skin) problems, affecting about 90% of all people at some time during their life', sites the University of Michigan. The University of Maryland Medical Centersuggests using oil-free skin care products. Look for products that say "water-based" or "non-comedogenic."

There are many remedies out there that claim to help clear up or prevent breakouts. Remember that not all remedies will work for you. Some remedies work great for some people and some work for others. I’m sharing here what has worked for me.

First, let’s talk about getting rid of the breakouts that you already have. We have to start with eliminating the acne and even the scars you may have. Once we get you back to good skin, we will get more in to the prevention process.
Removing Acne Remedy...

A good remedy that has worked for me is the Apple Cider Vinegar treatment. Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural way to balance the PH in your skin, absorb oil and it is anti-bacterial. These are the three things that will help combat acne with any remedy you choose.

Dilute 1 part Apple Cider Vinegar in 3 parts water. After you have tried this strength, you didn’t have burning; you can try a stronger dilution. Use a cotton ball and dab the mixture on the breakout. Let sit for 10 minutes and rinse with water.

Use this mixture on the area 2-3 times a day until you have cleared up the problem. You will have tingling, that means the bacteria are breaking down. That’s good! If you feel any burning, rinse immediately. You may have sensitive skin and need to dilute the mixture.


Breakouts are caused by pores becoming clogged and over time, a pimple will form. It is difficult to have no breakouts, ever. Sorry, but it’s true. A big cause is hormonal changes in your body throughout the month. Mother Nature will try to work against you!

There is hope and you can reduce the effects of the hormones on your skin by following a daily skin care routine. Keeping your skin clean by washing every morning and every night is the key. You must use a good cleanser, toner and moisturizer.

Speaking of moisturizers…

There are some key things to remember here. You will need to have two moisturizers in your program. The first is one with an SPF of 15 or higher. This is to use in the morning to prevent sun damage throughout the day.

The second is a night cream. This moisturizer will be a repairing one for your skin while you sleep. For oily skin, you will need an oil free but hydrating one. If you are prone to dry skin, you will want a richer moisturizer that helps with fine lines.

Making changes in your diet is another way to prevent breakouts. Staying away from starches as much as you can is a good start. We all crave our bread and this is not helping matters. Adding more fruits everyday will add antioxidants to help your body fight infections.

Water is the best thing you can do for your skin. The more water you drink the better looking your skin will be. Water hydrates and flushes out all the junk that contributes to skin breakouts. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day for beautiful skin.

I freed myself from breakouts by getting rid of what I already had and maintenance. There is no doubt that every month you may have to work on a breakout because of those pesky hormones. Remember to watch your diet and drink plenty of water every day!

Sierra Dawson is a social media advocate at CreditDonkey, where you can find the best gas credit cards so you can stop stress-related breakouts over $4/gallon gas. Have you escaped breakouts? Leave a comment below with your tips.

Top Photo: LiveStrong

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