3 Ways to Prep Skin for Fall and Winter ...


The elements of each season can be really harsh on our bodies and our skin if we don't take the proper precautions to take care of ourselves. When you go outside in the fall and winter you don't want to leave the house without bundling up and wearing the right boots to protect your feet from getting too cold. But what about our skin, what can we do to protect it from the fall and winter months? Luckily we have Brittainy from BrittsBeautyBag here today to share with us some great **skin tips **and ways we can prep it for fall and winter...
How to Prep Your Skin...
"My name is Brittainy Hall & I am 25 year old Nashville Beauty Blogger! I am new to the blogging world, only blogging since January 2011, but I fell right into it with no problem. I love the beauty industry and wanted to make my mark in so I created my Facebook Fan Page called Brittainy’s Beauty Bagand my blog site www.brittsbeautybag.com Wanting to take things to a different level, I started my own cosmetic line called FATE Cosmetics which is set to launch September 12th, 2011 so I spend a lot of time working on my new business. I am very family and friend oriented so in my spare time I like spend most of it with them. If you would like to contact me please feel free to email me at: brittsbeautybag@gmail.com and if you would like more information about FATE Cosmetics email me at: customerservice@fatecosmetics.com"
"If you are anything like me, then you probably are not looking forward to the upcoming seasonal switch (I’m a summer baby) but let’s face it…it’s going to happen so let’s get prepared! Here are 3 ways to prep your skin for the transition from Summer to Fall/Winter...

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Make Sure Your Skin Stays MOISTURIZED!

Our skin is mostly made of water and oils & in the winter, skin typically tends to lack water more than oil. So, to replenish the water, try to find a moisturizer that is water based & oil free. You want to make sure that you have good balance of water and oil, so using a product that isn’t oil free could end up leaving your skin too oily which can cause unwanted breakouts.


Keep a CLEAN Face!

Make sure you are washing your face 2x daily, before bed & in the morning (and using just water won’t cut it)! If you typically wash your face with a gel cleanser, consider switching to a cream cleanser for the fall and winter months (Cetaphil Cleanser $10 to $12 local drug store or Amazon.com). Cream based cleaners tend to be a little more moisturizing than gel, which is key for those winter months.

Frequently asked questions


Beat the SUN!

Contrary to popular belief, sunscreen isn’t just made for the months of May- August! SPF is crucial to your beauty regiment and should be worn everyday. To keep it simple, find a moisturizer that has SPF built in (nothing less than SPF 15). Using a product daily, that contains SPF, keeps your skin fresh and vibrant longer by reducing the wrinkling process, the appearance of sun-spots, & the evil “C” word…Cancer!"

Thank you Brittainy for stopping by All Women Stalktoday and giving our readers these great tips so they will have great skin even after the harsh elements of fall and winter have come and gone! Readers, what are some ways you prepare your skin for the winds and bitter cold weather of Fall and Winter?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Britt you always have great beauty tips. I'm always waiting for the next tip.

I try really hard but can't stay out of the sun - I really love it.

definitely agree. i moisturize my hair all the time so it's easy for me to remember to moisturize my face as well. so i use a cream cleanser then an spf moisturizer and i'm good to go.

SUCH good tips! for real!

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