Are you wondering how to be a morning person? OK you pretty party girls...YOU DO NEED BEAUTY REST! It is easy to train yourself to become a morning person. Although it is much more fun being a night owl, missing out on sleep will take its toll on that pretty little face! The following are some tips on how to be a morning person.
The night before... read a book, do some cleaning, turn a DVD/CD on, light exercise, etc. Being tired so you fall asleep quickly is one of the best ideas for how to be a morning person.
Reward yourself. Maybe treat yourself to some flavored coffee.
Feel happy to be alive!
Don't skip breakfast! Even if you simply have a smoothie or a quick Slim-Fast shake.
Buy an alarm clock that blares music instead of beeps. Set it to fun music!
The night before, set your clothing out. Make them motivational.
Go ahead and talk to yourself! Tell yourself that you CAN do it and that if millions of people can do it, so can you!
Tell family and friends. Text or call saying that you got up.
Less makeup. Simple hairdo. It is not the 80's.
Let Mother Nature show HER beauty...invigorating!
Finally, on a happy note, according to Michael Hyatt on, morning people tend to make more money, be more productive, be healthier, live longer, be happier and are satisfied with their lives. Isn't THAT something to party about?