Here's Why It's Great to Be a Curvy Girl ...

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Here's Why It's Great to Be a Curvy Girl ...

If you're a curvy girl, you probably already know how great it is. But we all need a little reminder now and again, so I've compiled this list of just a few reasons why being curvy is cool.

1 Your Kids!

Did you know kids whose moms are curvy in the hips and thighs actually have higher IQs? How cool is that?

Frequently asked questions

2 You'll Live Longer

Curvy girls actually live a little longer than their stick-thin counterparts, and are at less of a risk for heart disease. So the next time someone tries to give you that "curves aren't healthy" crap, feel free to tell them to STFU.

3 No Padding Required

Padded bras and jeans? Please. For curvy girls, that's just plain silliness.

4 Finally

I shouldn't have to say this, but here goes: after years of the Kate Moss waif look, it's finally okay to be curvy. Not that it ever wasn't okay, but it's nice to see models with curves, too, just for a little self-esteem boost.

5 Men Love It

You sure don't need a man's attention to be okay with your body, but it helps to know that according to research, men do prefer women with curves.


While your self-worth should never be tied to anyone else's approval, it's an added bonus to learn that many men are naturally drawn to the softness and shape of a curvy figure. This appreciation spans across different cultures too, indicating perhaps an evolutionary preference for a body type suggestive of health and fertility. So go ahead and flaunt what you've got—chances are it's exactly what some are looking for. Remember, confidence is the key, and when you're feeling good in your own skin, it's an irresistible trait to all.

6 Jeans

For you curvy girls, EVERY pair of jeans can be your "good bootie" jeans.

7 The Hugs, Oh the Hugs

Curvy girls give the best hugs, period.


There's just this unspoken warmth and comfort that comes with wrapping your arms around a curvy body. Those extra inches of softness seem to embody affection and foster a sense of security that's simply unmatched. Whether it's a friendly squeeze or a long, loving embrace, the sensation feels like a cosy blanket on a chilly evening. It's as if every curve is designed to fit perfectly in the contours of a hug. So get ready to spread some love, because those hugs aren't just good—they're memory-making magical moments.

8 The Cleavage

Eff that dress code: curvy girls have the best cleavage and it's a shame to keep it covered all the time. It's gorgeous!

9 The Saunter

Thinner girls can strut too, but there's nothing like a curvy girl's hippy saunter.

So what other benefits of being booty-licious can you share? Do tell!

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