7 Fun Reasons to Give Glamping a Try ...


7 Fun Reasons to Give Glamping a Try ...
7 Fun Reasons to Give Glamping a Try ...

Have you heard of glamping? It’s basically camping with a big dose of glamour and luxury, sounds good, right? The concept might seem relatively new since we always equate camping with roughing it in the wild, but it’s actually not that new! Think luxury resorts, 5-star amenities, spas and everything you wouldn’t expect from a camping trip. Personally, I think glamping can be done by simply making your camping trip a little more comfy and plush. It doesn’t have to include any resorts or spa treatments; it can be as easy as bringing along some amenities. With that said, I came up with 7 reasons to try out glamping and make your trips outdoors a little more glam!

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See the World from a Different Angle

Glamping isn’t restricted to your local cramped campsite area or some scary woodsy area that your friends decided to explore. Glamping can be done all over the world and you get to experience all that the site has to offer from a whole different perspective! Kids and adults will love being close to the outdoors without having to deal with sleeping on the ground or going without your essentials!


You Can Say You Stayed in a Yurt

One of the best reasons to try glamping is to say that you’ve stayed in a yurt. Are you wondering what the heck a yurt is? A yurt is a portable, wood-framed structure that can be used in glamping, as a house or a place of business. Yurts have been used in eastern countries for many years and they can really give you the feeling of being in a faraway land. It’s a really cool way to spend your vacay and explore a new place!


Get All the Perks

Glamping gives you the opportunity to do many of the things that we want to do when camping minus some of the disadvantages. You can be outdoors, close to nature, get away from the big city and get away from technology or bring it with you! Glamping can be as high-end or as simple as you want, it’s all up to you so you get to decide how rough and rugged you want your trip to be!


No Packing and Hauling

Some people think that the top reason to go glamping is the fact that you aren’t hauling around a ton of equipment and putting up and taking down tents. Dragging around a ton of stuff can be cumbersome not to mention give you a sore back, so I definitely see this as a perk to glamping. When you’re on a vacation you want to spend your time exploring and relaxing, not walking around with a huge load on your back!


No Equipment Required

Glamping is the perfect way to relive your childhood camping memories without having to buy a bunch of expensive camping equipment that you might not use again. It’s not the same thing, but you still get the experience of sleeping under the stars without having to spend a ton on camping essentials. It’s also great for someone who wants to try out camping before you make the commitment to buying all the gear!

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It’s Eco-friendly

If you’re a friend of the environment and like to live a green life, you’ll love glamping! Not all glamping sites are totally green but you can find lots of options in various places that are solar-powered, have outdoor solar showers and has a low carbon footprint. There are many luxurious glamping sites that are absolutely gorgeous and offer tons of amenities which are totally eco-friendly and totally glam.


Explore the Glamorous Side of Camping

Even hardcore campers can enjoy the benefits of glamping! You get all the creature comforts minus wet sleeping bags, bad weather and equipment catastrophes. Why not try out a different way to enjoy the outdoors with less hassle? You can choose the level of comfort you want and you can literally travel the world glamping so why not try it out?!

Glamping might not be for everyone but I think it’s a great escape for campers of all ages! I know some look forward to roughing it out in the wild and I salute those who are up for the challenge but I wouldn’t mind some of the comforts of home while I enjoy the great outdoors! What do you think of glamping, would you ever try it?

Top Image Source: lifeandloveofalondoncouple.blogspot.in

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