7 Forgotten Sustainable Energy Technologies That Might Actually Work ...


The race for achieving sustainable energy technologies has been around since the industrial revolution, when the first steam engines were developed. Over time, economical and political interests, as well as scientific limitations and breakthroughs, have led to the discovery of innovations in this field that were gradually dismissed or even forgotten, but that could still prove to be quite valuable in today’s quest for cheap or free energy generation. Let's take a look at 7 forgotten sustainable energy technologies that might actually work:

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Da Vinci and His Perpetual Motion Devices

Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the first pioneers of sustainable energy technologies, his contribution to science and engineering being invaluable. Four designs and several theories remain from Da Vinci’s time, the idea behind them being the use of levers, balls and various shapes to continually shift the center of gravity away from the center of a wheel in order to keep it constantly in motion – possibly providing near endless motion or energy.


Nikola Tesla’s Aerial System

Around the beginning of the 20th century, famed inventor Nikola Tesla came up with a few remarkable designs for producing sustainable electrical energy from the natural abundance of positive charges in the atmosphere. His aerial device, making use of an antenna capturing energy from the air and storing it in an LC circuit, is still cited today as being one of the most interesting “free” energy applications.


Nikola Tesla was a renowned inventor and scientist who made many remarkable contributions to the world of science and technology. His aerial system, which harnessed energy from the atmosphere, was one of the most innovative and revolutionary ideas of his time.

Tesla’s aerial system made use of an antenna to capture electrical energy from the air and store it in an LC circuit. This LC circuit was then used to power electrical devices. This system was incredibly efficient and cost-effective, as it did not require the use of any external sources of energy.

Tesla’s aerial system was a great advancement in sustainable energy technology. Unlike other forms of energy production, it did not require any form of pollution or burning of fossil fuels. It was also much cheaper than other forms of energy production, as it did not require any large investments in infrastructure.

Tesla’s aerial system was also incredibly versatile. It could be used to power anything from small household appliances to larger industrial machines. It could also be used to power electric vehicles, making it a great option for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint.


Magnet Motors

Several permanent magnet motor designs were developed in the 1980s using permanent magnets of various shapes that produce asymmetric magnetic fields. The magnets are normally placed around or on a wheel, taking it out of balance to keep it running in a manner similar to Da Vinci’s overbalanced wheels – but using magnetic energy instead of gravity.


The Phi Transformer

One of the most curious sustainable energy technologies ever developed is the Phi transformer. Made of a toroidal transformer coil with a rotating permanent magnet in the middle, this thingy – if properly calibrated – is said to be capable of producing a considerable amount of energy.


Self-Powered LC Circuits

An LC circuit works something like a pendulum, pushing and pulling electrical energy through a system of capacitors and inductor coils without energy losses. Some researchers in the past decades have also experimented with various designs of self-powered LCs, claiming to have developed a means of achieving free, sustainable energy as a result of their experiments.

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James Hardy’s Water Pump Generator

This is another curious sustainable energy design developed by James Hardy. It uses a simple water pump, which, after being brought up to speed, can be disconnected from the grid and allowed to function by itself for an indefinite period of time, powering an alternator to supply itself with energy and even being able to power at least one additional light bulb.


Harnessing ZPE

Finally, the concept of ZPE, or Zero Point Energy – the “ground” level energy present in a vacuum – was developed by Einstein in the early 1900s and has since been the basis for many experiments in the potential harnessing of this power for practical applications. A wide range of ZPE devices have been developed throughout history, ranging from basic magnet generators to obscure experiments using microwave simulated ball lightning.

There is a lot of controversy around many of the devices presented here, some of which are considered as plausible free energy technologies, while others are seen as hoaxes. But could there be more to the story? Which technology would you want to see powering your home in the next few decades?


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I'm a scientist nyself, neuroscience. I'd be interested.

Thanks for this article, A.J. I would love it if AWS started a Science & Tech category to round out their website. Many women are into this!

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