"Firsts" We Never Grow Tired of ...


There are very special first times that are never to be repeated but there are also some that you can look forward to regularly, occasionally, or at least a few times in your life - hopefully. It might seem a bit of a misnomer to say there are repetitive firsts but you'll see exactly what I mean when you read on.

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Cracking Open the First Page of a New Book

Cracking Open the First Page of a New Book


Making the First Tick on Today’s to-do List

Making the First Tick on Today’s to-do List


Seeing the First Buds of Spring

Seeing the First Buds of Spring


Relishing the First Stretch in the Morning

Relishing the First Stretch in the Morning


Treading the First Footprints on a Deserted Beach

Treading the First Footprints on a Deserted Beach

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Being the First to Make Footprints in the Snow

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Watching the First Episode of a New Series of Your Favorite TV Show

Watching the First Episode of a New Series of Your Favorite TV Show I'd love to hear what firsts you look forward to. Please share!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

So true and i agree with lydia especially lydia

Awesome post! So true!

This post made me happy lol

The first time your eyes meet someone else across a room

Wow this made me smile 😊

Sorry i mean especially airport

Such a sweet heart touching article thanks : first time butterflies after being kissed

Number 15 and 17 bring back good memories. 😍

11,12,16,18 and 20!!

You had me at book

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