17 Feelings Everyone with a Long Distance Bestie Will Understand ...


Long distance relationships are hard but manageable. Long distance friendships are devastating. When your BFF is your person, being far away from each other is just the pits. Yes, there are ample ways to get and stay in touch – you can talk all day long, in fact, even if you're on different continents – but there's nothing like being in your best friend's presence. You live for those moments.

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Being so Happy to See Them, You Don't Even Know What to do with Yourself

Being so Happy to See Them, You Don't Even Know What to do with Yourself You just want to squeeze and squeeze and squeeze.


Having to Share Your BFF's Time with Other People

Having to Share Your BFF's Time with Other People Hell really is other people.


Sometimes Blatantly Choosing Your Far-away Bestie over Your Local Pals

Sometimes Blatantly Choosing Your Far-away Bestie over Your Local Pals It happens. You're not proud of it, but sometimes you just can't help it. Just remember, don't really act like like Ja'mie.


It's Just That They Occasionally Can't Compare

It's Just That They Occasionally Can't Compare Sometimes they can't compare at all, ever. Your bestie is your soulmate.


Realizing That the Miles Mean Nothing

Realizing That the Miles Mean Nothing This realization may come fast or it may take a while, but it's such a relief when it finally hits.

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Knowing Somewhere out in the World Has Your Back Unequivocally

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Saying Goodbye, Every Time

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But Still Being so Grateful You Have That One Special Person

But Still Being so Grateful You Have That One Special Person And remembering, once again, that the miles don't matter.

Do you have your own LDBFF?

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Makes me miss him even more

Omggg so true !!!

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