7 Extracurricular Activities to Try While in College ...


College years are the best years of your life so spice up every day with these extracurricular activities! It’s more entertaining to get involved around campus and come graduation day, you’ll be happy you chose to take part in your University’s history making. All of these extracurricular activities will encourage you, inspire you, and shape you into the person you will become in the real world!

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Student Government

Being a part of Student Government is one of the most influential and beneficial extracurricular activities to try while in college. There are many events and decisions that need to be made every single day on campus and being a member of this community will get you involved in almost every single decision! I was the treasurer for my class for three years and helped plan school dances, fundraisers, activities around campus, and so much more. Whether you’re an outgoing individual or a shy individual, this opportunity will break you out of your shell and teach you to lead!


Join a Sport Team

Remaining physically active in college is also important. If you played a sport in high school, try out for your University’s team. Joining a team is a great way to make friends and feel apart of a community. I was on the figure skating team for the first 2 years of college and loved every second of it for so many reasons. For me, going on the ice was a way of leaving any worries or stresses of school behind and feeling freedom. The support and encouragement I shared with my team every day was awesome, too!

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Student Events Team

Similar to Student Government, the Student Events Team (S.E.T.) is another influential extracurricular activity. Although I didn’t personally join the S.E.T family while in school, the Student Government worked alongside S.E.T to plan certain activities such as B.I.N.G.O. nights, Relay for Life, Fall Fest, Spring Fest, Siblings Weekend, and so much more. I definitely recommend joining if you like or would like to be the go-to person for questions and like to know what’s going on around campus before it even happens.


Join a Club

Clubs are great extracurricular activities to find others who have similar interests as you. There are probably more clubs around your campus than you know of so try browsing your University website, ask friends what clubs they are in, or contact someone in Campus Life. During my four years of college, I was a member of the Fashion Club, the Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow (S.T.A.T.), the Italian Club, and clubs within our College of Business. Through dedication and passion for my University, I took on leadership roles in all of the clubs because I wanted to always be involved and be the voice for my fellow classmates.


Become a Freshman Mentor

To the upperclassmen: do you remember what it was like to be a freshman? Most freshmen feel nervous, overwhelmed, and uncertain during their first year of college because living on campus is a whole new lifestyle. It’s totally normal to feel all of these things. Now that some of you may be sophomores, juniors, or seniors, why not become a freshman mentor and pass on your knowledge, experiences, and comfort to the new guys on the block? I was a freshman mentor for 2 years – it brought me such joy to be that big sister to those who needed support. You can be that support system, too!

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Become a Scribe

Going along the idea of lending support to those who need it, becoming a scribe is another great way to offer help! You can pick up an application at your University’s Learning Center. As a scribe, you are the lifeline for students who may be struggling academically. As a scribe, you will act as a secret angel in your students’ classrooms, quietly taking notes for him/her. You can also provide 1-on-1 tutoring for a subject that you love or excel in the most.


Performance Arts

The Performance Arts program on campus is a great place to show off your talents and skills with everyone! Whether your passion is dance, theater, or choir, your University Performing Arts Program will develop you to become the best and love the process. I was more involved in Performing Arts in high school but I saw firsthand how passionate some of my friends and roommates were in college when they joined either the dance team or took part in a play on campus. Be proud of your talents and showcase them!

No matter which of these extracurricular you choose to try, I hope they bring you happiness and success! I shared my personal stories to hopefully give you some ideas of what to try as well as provide testimonies to show you how getting involved around campus is a blast! How will you get involved around campus?

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