7 Effective Ways to Keep Your Memories Alive ...


7 Effective Ways to Keep Your Memories Alive ...
7 Effective Ways to Keep Your Memories Alive ...

It’s hard to keep your memories alive because as much as you try to remember the moments that you cherish in detail, your memory becomes fuzzier each time. In order to avoid the loss of valuable memories, it’s always best to make a reminder about what happened. Nothing feels better than reminiscing about some of the best memories of your life as years go by. If you are one of those people who cherishes your memories, here are 7 most effective ways to keep your memories alive!

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Capture the Moments

Capture the Moments I guess you can blame the lack of pictures on the need to live in the moment, but you always regret not capturing that moment. We realize that it doesn't take long nor requires a lot of work, but for some reason we always forget. It’s best to change that and capture the memories because pictures always bring about the best memories and deepest feelings. So remember, take lots of photos to help keep your memories alive!


Save Photos

Save Photos It’s one thing to take the photos, but it’s another thing to store them. Nowadays most of us save our photos on our computers and phones, but what will happen when those devices break completely and there is no way to regain those memories? Don’t worry; the best solution is to burn all of your photo albums on a CD or store them online on websites like dropbox.com. That way you know you are less likely to lose those photos and will be able to see them even decades from now!


Write Them down

Write Them down There is nothing better than keeping your memories alive in a journal. Some people think that diaries are just childish, but what is so childish about writing your feelings down on paper? It’s the best way to express your feelings and years from now when you re-read the entries, you would know exactly what you felt at that moment! You don’t even have to write daily... summarizing your life every once in a while would be enough!


Keep a Memory Box

Keep a Memory Box One of my favorite things to do is to collect meaningful notes, cards and objects and keep them in a shoe-sized box. The satisfaction and happiness that surges through me when I go through that box is indescribable. It’s almost as if you have a piece of that day with you. Try it yourself! It’s never too late to start your own memory box.


Reminisce with Friends

Reminisce with Friends Who doesn't enjoy those long and deep talks with their friends during which you bring up some of the most bizarre, funny, and embarrassing moments? Reminiscing is the best way to recall the past because it is more than likely that your friends remembered details that you didn't. Don’t be afraid to bring up even some of the worst memories because there is nothing better than laughing it off!

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Update Your Social Media

Update Your Social Media As ridiculous as it may sound, social media captures your life better than you do yourself. I mean, think of how many statuses you posted, pictures you put up and comments you left. You might not remember them but social media does! You can search through all of your history and remind yourself of the old you! However be aware, there might be a lot of ‘What was I thinking?!’ going on!


Live in the Moment

Live in the Moment The only way you can write journal entries and associate pictures with memorable moments is if you actually soak up your atmosphere in that moment. You have to appreciate the conditions you are in and the people you are with in order to fully grasp the moment and remember it forever!

It’s always nice to look through old pictures, read through old diaries and look through old memory boxes! How do you keep your memories alive? Share in the comments!

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Amazing article

Your app. Love it. I'd appreciate some pics of "WWS" & how as we age (Damn! ) ~ an international, global beauty such as I, can contribute to any viewpoints, with this one wish: " the easiest to get "HIGH"? You must give this one a try. And please send your thoughts to me. So, here's the deal, girls: To feel PDQ , nirvana, joy, glee~ laughs, purpose & freedom ~ "stalk" your nearest swing. ( as in playground swing!) Then sit your butt down & pump your legs till you're HIGH in the sky. Then with eyes closed do a daring swing move! Whooo! Sisters! It's something real good I call it called; "SWING~HIGHS ~Like makeup, that temporarily transforms, you are in for BIG HAPPY that's nonrefundable! It's all YOUR'S..... So all you chicken chicks 'swingHIGH' to others( don't bogart HAPPY) your day, your date, your badHAIR, your weight, job, "look like you got IT

What this message means is this: I've worked a lifetime,ladies. Creating a global makeup brand, being a kid, wife, mom, biz gal, friend, lover... It was full time~ and this works~ SwingHIGH, is so fun, I promise "you won't have a worry in the world." Smiling and laughing thru our day ~ with a little swinging. Send me pics of swings. I'm beginning an anthology of swinging devices~ and their significance. Scholars and physicians who study our minds have noted that the act & devices created to"swing" predates man. Hum? jean ann Creator of Benefit Cosmetics,San Francisco

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