8 Delightful Reasons to Send a Handwritten Letter ...


8 Delightful Reasons to Send a Handwritten Letter ...
8 Delightful Reasons to Send a Handwritten Letter ...

You might think that there are no good reasons to send a handwritten letter in these days of electronic communications. However, although it's easy and quick to send an email or call someone's cell, there are times when a handwritten letter is a much nicer way to communicate. It's not about etiquette, but rather what the letter can mean to the recipient. Here are some delightful reasons to send a handwritten letter …

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One of the nicest reasons to send a handwritten letter is that it can be kept as a memento. We know so much about famous historical figures because of their correspondence. Imagine what we'd have missed if they'd only sent emails!



A handwritten letter is bound to be appreciated by the recipient. We receive so few these days that it will make a pleasant change. The effort that it takes to write a letter will also be appreciated. Unlike an email, you don't have the opportunity to change what you've written, so it will be straight from the heart.



There's something quite delightfully retro about writing a letter. It's like saying that you prefer the past and how things used to be. Many people wear retro and vintage clothing, and decorate their homes with retro furniture. So why not opt for an old-fashioned form of communication as well?



Receiving a letter is much more personal than opening an email. Knowing that someone has taken the trouble to put pen to paper will make you feel that the person cares about you. So instead of dashing off a quick email to congratulate your friend or relative, you could send them a handwritten note instead.



Most of the mail we get these days is pretty boring - bank statements and junk mail, if we get anything at all. So why not send someone a handwritten letter? They'll be so surprised when they open their mailbox and see the letter there - and even more when they open it.

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If you receive a memorable email, you can always read it again. But it's not the same as being able to hold a letter. A handwritten letter is something tangible to hold and look at. You can keep it in a box along with other mementos. Everyone should have a love letter to keep!



Do you live a long way from your family? If you have small children, get them to write or decorate letters to their grandparents. It'll be so much appreciated. Very young kids love doing drawings for their grandma and grandad. They can write letters of their own, or scribble on yours.



It's not just kids that can decorate letters. Why not try it yourself? Instead of emailing friends or family, write them. Add some doodles to the letter to really personalise it. It doesn't matter if you're not much of an artist. The idea is to make them laugh or smile. Use shared experiences as inspiration, such as a vacation you spent together.

It may take a bit of effort to write a letter by hand, but the effort will be appreciated. Email is often more convenient, but there are times when receiving a letter will really cheer someone up. So write someone every now and then, and hopefully you can look forward to receiving some correspondence in return! Do you still write letters, or do you think that it's an obsolete form of communication?

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