9 Brilliant Ideas for Fall Fun with Your Friends ...

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9 Brilliant Ideas for Fall Fun with Your Friends ...

Are you looking for some random fall fun with your friends? Yes? Well, my dear, you're in luck! I love getting together with friends and family any time during the year, but I would have to say fall is one of my favorite times to get together with them for some old fashioned fun! For some ideas for fall fun with your friends, have a look-see and take your pick.

1 City Hayride

City HayrideI'm sure when you read the title, you were hoping for some unique ideas for fall fun with your friends, but let me tell you, this is certainly unique! Why? What's so unique about a hayride? Well, if you've ever been to the country for any length of time, I'm sure you've experienced the joy and relaxation of a good hayride. However, I think it would be a good guess that not too many people have experienced a hayride in the city! Yeah, that's right! The city! Grab yourself a good truck (and a handsome country boy that knows how to handle it!), load up a big trailer with some hay, and head out to town for a night hay ride. Now, I can't promise you won't get stopped by a police officer doing his duty...but I'm the type that would try to see how long I could go before they made me go back home. So, what do you think? Is a city hayride for you?

Frequently asked questions

2 Pumpkin Potluck

When having fun with your friends with fall, a potluck is nice. However, this is a nice little twist to keep everyone on their toes. Rather than the everyday potluck where everyone brings whatever they want, make a rule where every dish that is brought must be something made with pumpkin! (Just make sure everyone doesn't bring pumpkin pie!) There are all sorts of delicious dishes with pumpkin. It will be an enjoyable evening for everyone.

3 Kite Flying

OK, so maybe it's a bit childish, but there is nothing wrong with letting the inner child out every now and then. Grab some of your closest friends and some awesome kites and head out to the park for some kite flying competition. There is nothing like a kite on a gusty, autumn day, is there?

4 Go Hiking

Plan a hiking trip. Gorgeous colors, laughter and fun will be the highlight of your outing with your friends this fall. Pack a backpack, lace up your shoes and head out for an all day time with friends and nature.

5 Visit a Corn Maze

Fun for adults and children alike, corn mazes are great! If you're with more adults than children, you can choose a "haunted" corn maze. Either way, whether spooky or kid-friendly you are sure to have fun with your friends.

6 Go Camping

I love camping! Going tent camping in the early autumn days is perfect. The temperature is perfect for being warm enough that you don't freeze and cool enough that the campfire is nice and inviting. Snuggle up with your significant other and gather around with your closest friends and tell ghost stories. Roast marshmallows and make some s'mores. Sound like fun?

7 Host a Scary Movie Night

Call all your friends and have them come over one night for a good old-fashioned movie night. Grab all your scary favorites and a bowl of popcorn and have fun. If you want to take it a step further, carry your TV outside and grab some blankets for an outdoor movie bash! (Just listen for the sound of chainsaws...)

8 Stay in a Mountain Cabin

You will find the mountains gorgeous in the fall. Bright oranges and yellows, ruby reds and lovely browns are all around, as the cool, mountain air refreshes you. I have lovely memories of staying in a mountain cabin, including sitting in a lovely hot tub out on the porch.

9 Plan the Best Thanksgiving Ever

Thanksgiving is all about being thankful for everything, including your friends and family. Instead of the average, every-year Thanksgiving meal, why not try something completely different and invite the whole crowd to one place? Your family and friends and their family and friends, all pitching in with food and good times. After all, the more the merrier, right?

Fall is my favorite time of year and I love spending time with my friends. Fall fun with your friends can be some of the best memories you'll ever make. Have leaf fights and scare each other, just like kids. And it's healthy to act childish every now and then, right? If you have some other ideas for fall fun with your friends, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment for me!

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