10 Best Relationship Advice Blogs ...


10 Best Relationship Advice Blogs ...
10 Best Relationship Advice Blogs ...

Relationship Advice is hard to come by. When I am having a difficult time with the Better Half, the first thing that I do is jump online to look up some things that might have triggered our fight. What I've found in my searches is that there are tons of relationship advice blogs out there. These relationship advice blogs are typically there to help you work through your problems and to understand your man a little bit better. Below, I've compiled the top 10 blogs that have helped me work through a ton of fights!

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Understanding Relationships at sheversushe.blogspot.com

This blog is actually a fantastic blog about how to understand one another, how to deal with break ups, dating tips and really anything that has to do with relationships. If you are having problems in your relationship and are looking for relationship advice, I promise that you'll be able to find something to relate to in this blog. Personally, I've found myself spending hours reading through the posts, just so I can better understand the fights that I get into and how to resolve them faster.


Sheversushe.blogspot.com is a blog that focuses on relationships and how to better understand one another. It offers a variety of advice, from dating tips to how to handle break ups. The blog is written from a female perspective, and is an excellent resource for anyone looking for advice on how to navigate the complexities of relationships.

The blog is divided into several sections, including “Relationship Advice”, “Dating Tips”, and “Break Up Advice”. Each section contains posts offering advice on the topic, as well as personal stories from the author and other readers. Sheversushe.blogspot.com also offers readers the chance to submit their own stories and ask questions.

The blog has been featured in several publications, including Women’s Health magazine, and has been praised for its honest and candid approach to discussing relationships. The blog has also been praised for its inclusivity, as it provides advice to people of all genders, sexual orientations, and backgrounds.


Let's say that you are not in a relationship yet, but you are still dating. This blog seriously gives you the down low on all of the dating tips out there. What to do, what not to do and how to act on a date – it also has some great relationship advice thrown in too!


Relationship Problems at luvemorleavem.com

Let's say you are in a relationship that is filled with nothing but problems and you love them and still want to stay together. This is one blog that will give you unpopular opinions and also truly let you in on what a successful relationship means and how to work it out. Personally, I love this blog – it has advice for you, you can give advice and there are also videos that you can watch to help your relationship.


The gay community is much different than the straight community but some of the relationship problems can be the same. This blog in particular, focuses in on lesbian dating and lesbian relationships. This blog will give you an inside look at how a lesbian relationship works and what it takes to make it successful. For the new lesbian daters, it gives you some great dating tips that will make coming out easier.


Spice up Your Relationship at romanticanticsformen.blogspot.com

Once you are in a relationship, it can be hard to keep it interesting and fun. I've been in a relationship for 5 years and trust me, it's difficult to keep our relationship romantic. This blog is all about spicing up your relationship, keeping it interesting and putting the romance back into it. It works – just try out some of the tips that they give out!

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Dating Advice at susieandotto.com

Are you just starting to date and are looking for tips and tricks on what to do on your date? What about ways to keep the spark alive in your relationship? What about tips on how to stop a fight before it even starts? Well, this blog has it all and then some!


Fixing a Bad Relationship at baggagereclaim.co.uk

This blog is all about how to fix a broken relationship. Do you have trust issues? Do you have commitment issues? Do you want to learn how to solve them? Natalie, the founder will be able to help you through anything you are going through! The best part is that she writes from the heart, so you'll definitely be able to relate to what she is saying.


Relationships & Children at relationshiprepair.net

Being in a relationship and having children is not easy. Children are hard work and trying to keep your relationship alive too can be a daunting task. This blog is for those of you that are looking for parenting tips sprinkled with some relationship advice. You'll find everything from helping your kid with their homework to how to make him want you in this blog!


Tips to Better Your Relationship at lovein90days.com

You never should be in a relationship that you are not happy in. There are ways to work out a difficult relationship; such as utilizing this blog! This one has everything from communication problems to getting your man to commit to you advice. It's the ideal blog for a woman looking to save and better her relationship!


Healing a Broken Heart at thisrelationship.com

Sometimes you just can't make it work. It's nobody's fault, it just happens and if you are having a hard time dealing, this is the blog for you. This blog will give you relationship advice to heal a broken heart and move on.

Finding the right relationship advice is not easy. Trust me, it took me a long time to find relationship advice blogs that I could relate to! Relationships are hard but most of the time they are worth it – try to work it out before ending it! What relationship advice do you ladies have for me? How do you get over a broken heart or mend a bad relationship? Share your tips with me!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This blog is excellent blog that i found here all tips about a good relationship and how to solve the problems. So we can take tips here for our better relationship.

Can anyone help me with what I should do with my relationship? We fight and argue everyday

I need some advice..... a friend from the past (30 years ago) sent a "friend" request, and I accepted. We've exchanged a few messages for just over a week now --- and I'm wondering how I can let him know that I'd be interested in taking another step - like exchanging phone numbers or asking him if he would be interested in finding out if there is a "2nd chance" for us in the future. (He liked me more than I liked him long ago - we were in 2 different stages of our lives). But, now we're both single and could have a shot at a relationship that just never reached its full potential when we were younger. Any advice? Should I be the first one to ask/hint around if he'd be interested? Thanks for your suggestions.

need help

I needed some advice about my marriage. Me and my husband broke up almost two months ago...and in the beginning I was very clingy, texting him, calling him, accusing him of cheating etc. I tried the No contact rule but couldnt go for more than 4 days...it seem to work because he would text and get upset if I wouldn't ignore his text. finally I told him I had a boyfriend and he was very angry and figured I had cheated on him..next thing I know he has a friend..the problem we have is that we are 1000 miles apart. I bought a ticket to go there to find work and to see my family. I want to know if I should contact him while I'm there or should I just let him find out I was in town and didnt call him up...also should I move there or am I just setting myself up for disappointment? please somebody let me know what to do...I want to save my marriage but I dont know how from this far away.

Human being has become retarded in relationship. Look at the majority of our communication now, it's all thru' technology like smart phones apps. We need help to free ourselves from all these, go back to basic face to face communication.

Add commentMy ex gf of 3 years told me she needed a 2 week break. I never called her back, wrote her a nasty letter, asked her to erase from fb and instagram any mutual friends she met through me. then I saw a pic of her online and I hit rock bottom. drinking to go to sleep, weed, it fucken hurts. I want her back!! this happened 8 months ago. a week ago I sent her another letter explaining how I changed but that im not trying to get back with her. Help!!?? I don't know what to do? I want her back so much... we broke up because we were just arguing to much no cheating. but I feel her life might have moved on... I want her back!!!

"This blog is all about how to fix a broken relationship." - This is an excellent blog! Been reading hers for years!

Baggage Reclaim is one of the best blog ever. It totally changed my outlook on relationships and myself...

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