I will confess, I am a bit of a women’s magazines junkie. There are many that I love to sit and browse when I have a free moment. But some women’s magazines are my absolute favorites. Let me tell you about them.
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1. All You
All You is my absolute favorite in women’s magazines. There are several reasons that I love it so much. First of all, it is made for the everyday woman. It is packed with coupons which make the magazine practically pay for itself. It has articles on fashion for women of every size and shape. It has a lot of budgeting tips and is just full of valuable information I enjoy.
2. Southern Living
Southern Living may not appeal to everyone but I love it and I am not exactly a southern girl. I live more in the middle of our country but I still enjoy it so you might too. It has a lot of articles on hosting get-togethers, gardening, recipes and even some on southern style. It is one that I absolutely savor when I get it in the mail. Give it a try and see if you enjoy it.
3. Good Housekeeping
Good Housekeeping appeals to many different women. It is a magazine that has a general covering of many topics, which is probably why it pulls in such a diverse audience. It generally features a celebrity on the cover with an awesome cover story to go along with it. It also has beauty tips, budgeting tips, cleaning suggestions and much more. It is also sold at a very reasonable rate, especially when you purchase a subscription.
4. Self
Self is a magazine that is devoted to your fitness, weight and health. They offer lots of helpful information on how to be your best self. This magazine has a celebrity on the cover with a story that tells how they keep their physique in such wonderful form. There are also recipes that help you keep your figure lovely. All in all, it is a magazine that offers a lot of helpful advice.
5. Allure
If you have a true love of beauty, makeup and hair, this is the magazine for you. It is jam packed with new hairstyles you can try, makeup tricks to wow you and beauty secrets you can make your own. This is a very fun magazine and offers you tons of hours dreaming of new things you can try to tweak your style in the beauty department. It can seem a bit geared toward the 20 and 30 year olds but as long as you find it enjoyable, that is all that matters. After all, maybe these little tricks Allure gives will keep us looking young.
6. Family Circle
Family Circle is a magazine that is truly for a woman in the midst of raising her family. It offers lots of recipes to try out for your family to enjoy. It also has a lot of fun craft ideas you can try out and advice for the different stages of parenting. It is a nice magazine to support you along the way as you are in the part of life that this magazine pertains to. It is a great magazine when you have those interests the magazine covers.
7. People
People magazine is my guilty pleasure. It is where I go when I want to find out the scoop on what is happening in the celebrity world. They are almost always first to break any major story concerning celebrities. While there are many celebrity magazines, this is the one that I can count on be a reputable source for the latest news. It also has several fun columns I enjoy.
I would love to know what magazines you enjoy. You might just introduce me to a new favorite. What magazine do you love the most?
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