7 Awesome Tips for Hosting Game Night ...


Hosting game night can be a lot of fun. It can also be hectic if you don't do a bit of preparation first. Luckily, planning game night is fairly easy and can be very enjoyable. If you're planning on hosting game night soon, here's 7 tips that may come in handy.

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Select a Time and Date

One of the first things you should do when hosting game night is to choose when you want to have it. It's always a good idea to choose a date and time that works well with your schedule. If you pick a time that doesn't fit your needs, you may be tired and not enjoy it. You should also choose a time that's good for your guests. In order for your game night not to interfere with other plans, you may want to avoid having it around major holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving.


Create a Guest List

When hosting game night, it's important to decide who will be attending. It's a good idea to decide how many guests you plan to have before deciding whom to invite. This will help you decide how much food to prepare and how much space you need for games. You may want to add a few extra names to your guest list in case someone is unable to come.

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Contact Your Guests

After creating your guest list, contact your guests. Some guests may be reluctant to commit and others may already have plans. Don't let this bother you. Don't be surprised if some of your guests want to invite some of their other friends or family members, too. You may want to follow up with your guests a couple of days before game night to make sure they're still available.


Choose the Games

One of the best things about hosting game night is choosing the games that you're going to play. Of course, the type of games that you choose will vary depending on the age of the people who will be playing them. If most of your guests are children, you may prefer to play games like Sorry or Twister, but if your guests are going to be grown-ups, card games may be a good choice. If you aren't sure what games to have, ask your guests to bring their favorites with them.


Prepare Your Space

How you prepare your space will depend on how many guests are going to be there. For some game nights the kitchen table will be large enough to play on, but other times you may need to move into the living room, as well. If you have a small space, toss some pillows on the floor and play games there. Most of your visitors won't mind eating while sitting on the floor either.

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Prepare Food

There are tons of different foods that you can make for game night. In my opinion, it's best to keep the meal plan simple. Appetizers are usually a big hit at any type of get together. If you don't want to spend a lot of time preparing food, order pizza. Another option is to do a potluck and have everyone bring one of their favorite foods. Be sure to have a couple of desserts, too. Easy snack foods such as chips and salsa, party mixes, and nuts are also game night hits.


Relax and Have Fun

I know that planning any type of event can be overwhelming. This can quickly make you dread game night and regret deciding to have it. It's best to take a couple of minutes to relax before everyone arrives. Remind yourself why you wanted to have a game night and how much you've been looking forward to it.

Game night is a fun activity to do with friends or family. It's a great way to stay connected and enjoy spending time with those that we love. Have you ever hosted game night? Do you have any tips that made your game night great?

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