There are certain words you should erase from your vocabulary if you want to improve yourself, since most of them can really have a big impact on your ability to motivate yourself. George Orwell, in his famous masterpiece “1984” acknowledged the importance of words by saying: “But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”. The words you choose to use reflect your beliefs, your opinions and they can also help you grow and become a better person. Words are extremely powerful since they shape our thoughts, giving us hope when they are positive or destroying our dreams when they are negative. Here are a few words you should erase from your vocabulary, so they won’t make you feel smaller or weaker.
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1. Can’t
In my opinion, this is definitely the first of the words you should erase from your vocabulary if you want to feel stronger, empowered and more inspired. Henry Devries, assistant dean for continuing education at the University of California San Diego says that the best way to replace this word is by saying "I want to learn how to do that." and he is absolutely right. You can do whatever you want, if you work hard enough and if you are willing to at least try to accomplish your dreams. Just eliminate this word from your vocabulary and see how much your life will change for the better.
2. Problem
This is another word you should completely forget about. Just replace it with opportunity and see how much your perspective on things will change. This word is just so heavy and it only makes us think about stress, difficulties or other negative things that may come to our minds. Problems can always be solved and things only become problems because we choose to see them that way. Every problem is in fact an opportunity in disguise and you can learn valuable lessons from everything, no matter how small or insignificant those things might be.
3. Hate
We all use this word too much now days. Whether we hate that our car broke down, or that we can’t find that perfect dress in our size or even how that cookie tastes, we all use this word way too often. Just remove it from your vocabulary! It’s such a strong word associated only with negative emotions. Try saying “dislike” or “I prefer” instead of keep repeating how much you hate everything.
4. Failure
There’s no such thing as failure, it’s only feedback. Of course not all feedback is positive, but that negative piece will help you avoid future mistakes and it will prevent you from hurting other people or even from getting hurt. You have something to learn for everything and someone who constantly learns can’t be a failure. Failure is associated with stress and hopelessness, but feedback produces growth.
5. But
Darlene Price, the author of “Well Said”, says that in fact this apparently innocent word actually negates anything that comes before it, more precisely, all the statements that precede it. She suggests replacing it with the word "and" or you could simply rephrase it. For example “I want to lose weight, but it is so hard to do it.” By saying this, your brain won’t focus on your desire; you will only underline the negative aspect of that statement, the fact that it is extremely hard to do it.
6. Someday
This is such an indefinite word that only suggests a lack of commitment! Milton Erickson, the famous hypnotherapist, once said “A goal without a date is just a dream”” and he couldn’t have said it better. Don’t save things for special occasions or for when you think you’ll be ready! Every day is special, so take advantage of it and cherish every single moment!
7. Try
I know I tend to use this word way too often and I definitely should delete it from my vocabulary and I advise you to do the same. Just replace it with “I will” and you’ll surely get a new perspective on things, you’ll feel more determined and stronger. The word “try” implies the possibility that things might not go as planned, so avoid it as much as possible and focus on achieving your goals without trying. You surely will manage to accomplish everything you dream of if you work hard enough.
8. Maybe
When you say maybe you give the impression of being unable to make a decision. No one wants to be seen as wishy washy, right? If you haven't decided, it's fine to say you're still mulling over the decision, but saying "maybe" makes you look like you simply can't decide and are just putting off coming up with an answer.
9. Um
People use the word, "um" whey they're thinking or can't come up with the answer. As a result, they look less than articulate and may even come across as not that smart. You should never say um. Try saying you need a moment to think or you will have to do a bit of research. That makes you look smart and well-educated even if you don't have the answer right off the bat.
10. Never
As the old saying goes, "never say never." It's a bottom line word that doesn't give any leeway for sudden changes or unexpected occurrences. If you tell someone you'll never get ahead, or you'll never get a promotion - guess what? Your entire mindset changes and you actually trick yourself into believing such a horrible lie. Use less absolute words for better chances of success.
11. Impossible
Like "never" or "can't," this word isn't very motivating. If you're convinced something is impossible, where's the motivation to give it a go? Sure, things are hard and things take a lot of effort and time, but the best things do, right? Erase this nasty word from your vocabulary and replace it with, "anything is possible."
12. Whenever
Whether it's at work or at home, giving people the "whenever" option is just giving them the chance to let you down. If you need something, say so. Don't give people the opportunity to do it when they want or you're going to wind up disappointed or angry. And that's not good for you.
13. Probably
This word makes you sound indecisive, much like saying "I guess" does. Use different words and you're more likely to come across as confident and able. Using this word gives people doubts and that's not always a good thing, especially at work. Try "I haven't decided yet," which lets people know you're working on decision, but need more time to think it through. Even if you're sure the answer is "yes," saying "probably" opens the door to letting someone else down when your answer turns into a "no" for whatever reason.
Be aware of the words you use on a daily basis and take control of them. Ludwig Wittgenstein once said that “The limits of my language means the limits of my world.”. Be careful and pay attention to what you are saying because words have such a huge impact on your thoughts, on your actions or even on your feelings. What other words do you think should be deleted from our vocabulary? Please share your opinion with us!Sources:
This article written in collaboration with editor, Eliza Martinez
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