What do These Inkblots Say about You?


Can the Rorschach inkblots really reveal what you think and feel? Aren't you curious? This is all in fun, so go with your first instinct on each inkblot!

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Yay! My test says I'm normal and relate well to others. Brushes swear off forehead.

Mine is perfect!! It said, "Rorschach says you're just fine. You have a good self-image and relate well to others. Your social development is on-point and you're cool in new situations.

@Meli, me too lol

I'm doing fine! I'm cool in new situations 😊

I looked at the ink blots and I saw some things that weren't listed. Grr. Fun to look at but its bad when I saw 2 dogs about to kiss and there were no options close to that.

'I'm fine' ..... Ok

Im just fine and relate well to others

Schizophrenia apparently...?

I'm just fine and my social development is on point?? Cool

Little Paranoid, have problems with authoriry and my social development is less than stellar. im literally done :/

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