7 Ways to Spread Love on Valentine's Day ...


7 Ways to Spread Love on Valentine's Day ...
7 Ways to Spread Love on Valentine's Day ...

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day, a day for lovers, I am looking forward to ways to spread love. Although we should spread our love and joy every day, there is just something special about this day when we are surrounded with hearts, flowers and love notes. Even as a child, I could not wait for this day in school when we would receive balloon grams and occasionally an anonymous note. Do you love this heart-filled day? Let me share with you the ways to spread love and enjoy your Valentine’s Day!

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Flax Pancakes

Flax Pancakes Nothing says love more than starting the day by surprising your loved one with some pancakes. Show your love my adding some healthy flax seed to your pancake batter and use heart shaped cookie cutters. Decorate the plate with some strawberries for added antioxidants and enjoy this as it is one of the best ways to spread love on Valentine’s Day!


Strawberry Hearts Smoothie

Strawberry Hearts Smoothie Have a heart healthy day by creating an antioxidant rich smoothie with one cup Greek yogurt, one cup of frozen strawberries and a tablespoon of Chia seeds. This shake will not only taste incredible but better your health with antioxidants, calcium, protein and fiber! Happy Valentine’s Day!


Love Note

Love Note There is nothing more special than a love note written from your heart. I would choose to have a hand written letter over any gift because it is special and genuine and the words are meaningful. So if you are on a tight budget, skip the fancy gift and write a love note and why not create your loved one a special meal? This will mean so much to them because it will profess your love!


Help a Local Charity

Help a Local Charity Do you feel good helping others and working to make the world a better place? Then why not show your love this Valentine’s Day by helping a local charity, writing letters and packing care packages to send overseas or even helping at a local food bank. This is a great way to show your love and make a difference.


Send Flowers to a Friend

Send Flowers to a Friend How special do you feel when someone sends you flowers? It is great to feel and know someone else was thinking of you. Send flowers to a friend for Valentine’s Day to spread your love. This simple act of kindness will make you feel great and brighten their day!

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Help a Friend or Acquaintance in Need

Help a Friend or Acquaintance in Need Recently a friend of mine was sad for the holiday as she has no family to be with so I opened up my home to her to join us. She chose not to join us as she felt she was imposing so I packed a meal and brought it to her. Why not pick up your single friend and spend a girl’s day out? Simple acts can brighten another person’s day.


A Personalized Gift from the Heart

A Personalized Gift from the Heart The best gifts are from the heart. These gifts do not require spending a lot of money but time and thought is essential. I have books, poems, cards and even crafts that my husband has made for me and I will keep these gifts for a lifetime because they mean so much to me as they were created with his love and care. So create a personalized gift for Valentine’s Day this year; I guarantee it will be the best gift ever!

I hope you enjoyed my ways to spread love and you follow some of these tips. What is your favorite way to spread your love on Valentine’s Day? Happy and healthy Valentine’s Day to you!

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