7 Ways to Prepare for Finals like a Pro ...

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7 Ways to Prepare for Finals like a Pro ...

Tests can be extremely stressful, and with finals right around the corner, it’s good to know a couple of ways to prepare for finals to keep you from stressing out. Assessments and tests are a part of life, so you might as well become a professional at taking them right? It’s okay to have a little test anxiety, but with these fool-proof ways to prepare for finals, passing that exam should be a piece of cake!

1 A Good Night’s Rest

It’s tempting to stay up super late and cram for your upcoming exam, but what’s more important is your sleep. There’s a reason why getting a good night’s sleep is the number one on a list of ways to prepare for finals: there are so many benefits! Getting a good night’s sleep is the key to doing well on the finals. A good seven to eight hours or more is a great way to start your day. You’ll awake refreshed and ready to take on that final exam.

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2 Remove Any Distractions

It’s easy to get distracted if your phone is constantly alerting you of new notifications or your favorite show is on television. Do yourself a huge favor, and turn them off. By removing any distractions, whether it be electronic devices, or the people around you, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to focus and do your best while studying.

3 Eat Beforehand

If I don’t eat, I get grumpy, and who wants to take a huge final while in a grumpy mood? Part of doing your best is feeling your best, so before you go and take your final, grab a quick bite to eat. Whether it be a complete meal, or just a quick snack like a granola bar and fruit, fuel yourself for the day. I can guarantee, you’ll feel 10 times better if you eat beforehand and more importantly, you’ll perform better on your test!

4 Be on Time

With finals steadily approaching there are so many things to be stressed about. Reduce your anxiety by being on time to the exam. If you’re on time, that’s one less thing to obsess over, and if you’re early enough, you can even sneak a little last minute studying in beforehand.

5 Be Prepared

The worst thing that can happen and really rattle your confidence right before a final exam is you showing up unprepared. Before the day of the test, check with your instructor to determine the details of the test. Some questions to ask would be: What is the format of the test? Is it on a Scantron? Will I need a pen or pencil? These kinds of questions keep you informed and help you to better prepare for the test and have all the necessary materials you may need.

6 Hold a Study Group

Everyone learns in different ways and some of us learn better if we’re interacting with other people. If you’re one of those people then getting together with a study group may be for you. Working with a study group has some great advantages. You get a chance to be with people who may be knowledgeable about a topic you’re weary of and vice versa. Everyone can contribute some knowledge and it makes studying a lot less boring.

7 Study!

This last one may sound like a no-brainer but it's still important to list. A lot of people, me included, won’t feel the need to go over certain material and walk into the final exam way too overconfident and actually do poorly on those questions. Don’t be that person. It’s important to study for your exam in advance instead of trying to cram last-minute. You’ll be better prepared and confident the day of.

The bottom line is, don’t let final exams stress you out. The more you prepare yourself for them, the less anxiety you’ll have and with these tips you can walk into your final exam ever so confident and walk out with your head held high knowing that you made a good grade. These are only seven ways to prepare for finals but there’s so many more. What are your favorite ways to prepare for a final or a big test?

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