We all need ways to be rich and happy, right? It's is such a blessing to know that a lot of people in this world would inspire us with their writings, would inspire us with their understanding, share with us "how to "ways in dealing with everyday challenges in life. The world is still filled with people who encourage us that it's not about who you used to be, as it is about who you choose to be. Focus on important things and people that matter to you. We only live once so live well. It would be so awesome one day you look at your life and say "I'm proud of me. I fought battles no one knows and I made it." Here are some great ways to be rich and happy.
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Live Your Ideal Life Now! You Only Become, Achieve and Have What You Settle for
2. Do Things That Are Extraordinary and Nearly Possible. This is a Great Way to Build Your Reputation and Gain Tremendous Respect --- Especially for Yourself
3. Know That " if It's to Be, It's up to Me." Get Results Instead of Giving Excuses
4. Think Big! Dream. Plan. Act. do It Now! Your Dreams Will Become Reality
5. Keep in Contact with the Best, Associate with People Engaged in the Best, and Experience the Best in Life
6. Do What You Love. Be Your Own Boss. Get Paid for It. then It's Not Work!
7. Duplicate, Leverage and Multiply Your Efforts and Receive a Percentage of Other People Productivity
8. Increase Your Income Daily While You Are Working, Playing, Sleeping!
9. Do What You do so Well That People Enthusiastically Want to Work with You and Refer Others to You
10. CAN! Aim for Constant and Never-ending Improvements in All Areas of Your Life. Inspire Yourself by Being Your Best! " Tony Robbins"
11. Build Your Reputation on Honesty, Integrity, Quality, Caring, and Superb Service! the Money Will Automatically Follow in Abundance
12. Achieve Excellence in Everything You do. Make Your Life a Special Work of Art
13. Support Others in Achieving Their Goals. They'll Always Remember and Love You for It
14. Develop Influential Friendships Worldwide. Travel to Broaden Your Horizon
15. Accept Total Responsibility for Your past, Present, and Future Experiences. You Were, Are, and Will Always Be in Control
16. The Secret of Business Success ... is to Minimize Expenses and Maximize Productivity!
17. Do and Say Things That Are Beneficial to All Concerned
18. Be Open to New Ideas, Relationships, and Experiences. You'll Gain More This Way
19. Realize That All Events Happen for the Best. Look to the Future. Keep Moving on!
20. Whatever You Give Comes Back to You Multiplied. Always Give Your Very Best
21. Read Books about Exciting People You Admire. Learn from Their Exciting Lives
22. Simplify Your Life! Have More Fun! You'll Achieve More This Way. do Not Allow Your Possessions to Rule Your Life. You Can Live on Little...... the Rest is for Showing off
23. Be and Act Confident! You Are Equal to Everyone. Everyone is Equal to You
24. Accept People the Way They Are -- and the Way They Are Not --- and Others Will do the Same for You. You Will Always Be Welcome and Live in Perfect Harmony
25. Forgive and Love Everyone. This Benefits You Most of All!
26. Do What You Feel is the Best, No Matter What Other People Think. Aim to Benefit All Concerned and You'll Make the Right Decision and do the Right Thing
27. Compound 10% of Your Income so It Can Eventually Have Millions. if You Haven't Started Yet -- Now is the Best Time to Begin
28. Give Something Daily. a Postcard, Letter, Gift, Smile, Hug, Flowers, Compliment to Brighten Other Peoples Lives, Especially Yours
29. Collect Pictures of What You Want to Be, do, and Have in Life. Look at These Goals Daily. if They Are Right for You, You'll Have Them Sooner than You Think. the Way Will Come on How You'll Achieve Them
30. Do Not Criticize, Condemn or Complain! This Does Not Benefit Others... Especially You! Offer Solution Instead... so All Will Gain and Rejoice!
31. Act as if You Are Guaranteed to Succeed and You Eventually Will
32. Live in an Elegant Building. You'll Have a Greater Tendency to Meet People That Can Influence Your Life
33. Dine at the Finest Restaurants. You Always Deserve the Best and Healthiest Food
34. Stay at the Best Hotels in the World. Why Not Enjoy Life for a While? You Deserve It, Whether You Believe It or Not!
35. Dress to Look Good and Feel Great and You Will
36. Collect Quotes That Inspire and Motivate You. We Need This Kind of Input Daily
37. What You Say is What You Get. Speak and Write Only Positive Words. Words Have Great Power to Influence People Including You
38. Carry a Crispy $100 Bill with You All the Time! It Does Wonders for Your Prosperity Consciousness
39. Act as if Your Goals Are Already Accomplished and You'll Achieve Them Magically!
40. Exercise at Least 30 Minutes a Day to Achieve and Maintain Your Ideal Body. Walking in the Park is a Nice Way to do This
41. Eat Mostly Fresh Fruits Vegetables, Whole Wheat, Grains, Low-fat Food, and Fiber. Drinks Lots of Fresh Water and Get Plenty of Rest. Healthy Foods Make for a Healthy Body
42. Minimize Alcohol, Tobacco, Sugar, Salt, Soft Drinks, White Flour, Coffee, Pork, Beef, Unnatural Foods. Consume What Benefits You to Strengthen Your Body and Increase Your Energy
43. Avoid Saying: "I Can't. It's Hard. It's Difficult." Say: " I Can. It's Easy. It's Simple." Words Will Create Your Reality
44. As within, so without. Keep Your Appearance, Home, Desk, Closet, Car Clean, Neat and Organized! Your Personal Environment Reflects Your Being
45. Treasure Every Second of Your Life. Waste Not One Precious Moment...Ever!
46. Have Ideal Relationships with Others. This Makes Living Wonderful and Fun!
47. Spend More Time with Nature. Take Time to Be Alone with Yourself to Meditate
48. Learn Something New Every Day. This is the Key to Neverending Happiness!
49. Constantly Escalate Your Goals. Stay Hungry! Drop the past. What Are You Doing Today? That is What Really Counts
60. There's so Much in Life to Enjoy. Let's All Go for It! Let's Live Life to the Fullest!
We need a dose of inspiration every day, a little something to lift you up when things get in the way, even the ones you can't control, just get to it and live it. Own it.