Use These GIFs when You Don't Feel like Arguing with Your Words ...

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Use These GIFs when You Don't Feel like Arguing with Your Words ...

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. That means a GIF is worth a full-fledged rant. Have you ever been in one of those situations when you don't even feel like crafting the sentences necessary to carry on an argument? Well, it's 2016, you don't have to! Don't use your words, use your GIFs!

1 When Their Logic is Laughable

And you just can't help but laugh, but you're at least tactful enough to try and stifle your snickering.

Frequently asked questions

2 When You Don't Care at All

But you secretly still care enough to make the other person think you don't.

3 When Their Talking Makes You so Bored

You just want to take a nap right in the middle of a syllable.

4 When You're Waiting for a Comeback

It usually takes a while, though. Because you're THAT clever.

5 Your Finger Does All the Talking

Sometimes a gesture says it better, that's all.

6 When Your Finger Can't do the Talking

... just grab something, anything.

7 You – Just Can't Understand How Stupid Some People Are

There's no other explanation. None. The person you're talking to has to be wasted.

8 When There is Nothing You Can do but Laugh

You know this feeling. I know you know this feeling.

9 When They Think They Have a Zinger

You know better.

10 When You Are so Mad, You Don't Know What to do

This is also an accurate representation of how you feel inside, probably.

11 The Rage is .. Too Strong


12 When They Think They've Got You …

This is a bad feeling for one second. Just one second.

13 … but They Don't

And then it's not a bad feeling at all.

14 When Your Rage Finally Comes out

Somebody unleashed the pain! Somebody opened up a can of OH NO!

15 When Your Partner Needs to Be Taken down a Few Notches

You should also perfect a dismissive gesture, just for those occasions when you can't rely on a gift, you feel me?

16 You Refuse to See Their Side

Sometimes you just know a person does not have a leg to stand on. Sometimes you just don't even care.

17 You End the Conversation


What are your favorite reaction GIFs?

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