TodayILearnt Challenge ... and the Winner is ...


TodayILearnt Challenge ... and the Winner is ...
TodayILearnt Challenge ... and the Winner is ...

The winner with 110 likes is @Natalie with her first post ever published here #TodayILearnt the Truth Behind Self-Worth @Natalie

Congratulation! Gorgeous ladies, we are announcing a fun new challenge that's called - #TodayILearnt.

To accept this challenge, submit a post with short interesting piece of info/news/quote/text/trivia you've learnt today.

Please add #TodayILearnt into the headline of your entry. Once it's published, leave a comment on this post, so that we can keep track of your post likes.

The entry with most likes wins the challenge!

The winner will be announced on Monday 9PM.

If you have any questions, please contact me directly at Can't wait to see your amazing bits!

Participants: @Katie - 63 likes @prettyfabulous - 77 likes @Janice - 51 likes @Molli - 53 likes @Mrs - 61 likes @Bolopz - 54 likes @Kayla - 76 likes What love means to me#TodayILearnt @Neha - 84 likes

TODAY I LEARNT @Kenitra - 59 likes #TodayILearnt @Myra - 71 likes TODAYILEARNT @Miesha - 61 likes TODAY I LEARNT WHAT HAPPINESS IS AND WHO CAN GIVE IT TO ME @Nitty - 88 likes TODAY I LEARNT @Vaishna - 50 likes #TodayILearnt the Truth Behind Self-Worth @Natalie - 181 likes Every Romantic Comedy#TodayILearnt @Oliver2014 - 55 likes

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Today I learned to stop trying to rush to achieve certain goals I have set in place for myself. I have learned to relax, enjoy the moment that I'm in and to allow everything to happen in Gods timing.

#TodayILearnt that if someone brings u down or underestimates your capabilities, use that for motivation to prove them wrong, just give it time, and watch their respect go towards you! ✌

#TodayILearnt If ever there's something you want to do real bad but fear stops you, and then you summon all the courage you could muster and do it, the result is always blissfully rewarding. "The reward for courage is Happiness"

#TodayILearnt that no matter what happens, we will ALWAYS have situations in life that we dont like. But we must NEVER forget the serenity prayer and learn to accept the things we cannot change!

Today I learned that you can't change people but change the way you look at a situation has a huge different in the outcome of our thought process . Understanding what you control is powerful

#TodayILearnt β€œβ€œTravel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness..." - Mark Twain

Today I learned*** not I learnt

#TodayIlearnt You have to follow your heart. Happiness comes from love and love brings you happiness. You only live once so make it the best life ever. Take risks and follow your heart because your heart is what brings you happiness and love. Without these two things what would life be? We were created by love we were all brought into this world with happiness and love. Follow your heart and take the chance it maybe worth it.

#TodayILearnt that big girls DO cry, and that's okay.

Today I learnt to accept failure my article

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