9 Tips on How to Get a Great Internship ...


9 Tips on How to Get a Great Internship ...
9 Tips on How to Get a Great Internship ...

Now that the year is coming to an end, most college students are stressing over how to get a great internship for the summer. It can be overwhelming dealing with resumes, cover letters, interviews and everything else. Here are some of my tips on how to get a great internship. I hope they help!


Know What You Want

The first tip on how to get a great internship is to know what kind of internship you want. Regardless of your major, there are tons of opportunities for you. And to narrow down those opportunities, know what type of environment you want to work in, what kind of organization you want to work for, what hours you can work, and what kind of money you want to be making.


Do Your Research

After you have narrowed down what you want, now it’s time to learn about all of your opportunities. Many colleges have a career center where you can learn about internship opportunities. Or you can go cyber and look up various internships on sites like intern.com.


Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter for Each Application

An important tip on how to get a great internship is to make your cover letter and resume specific to each place you are applying. It shows that you are dedicated to landing the position and you pay attention to detail. And make sure you have a friend or career center pro look over both of them for errors.


Use Connections

Schools have alumni associations for a reason. Alumni LOVE hiring people from their alma mater. Go to a professor or friends of your parents and ask if they know anyone in the field who is looking for an intern. The easiest way to get into an internship is by knowing someone in the organization who can put in a good word for you.


Prep for the Interview

Look up what the most common questions asked during an interview are and have a basic idea of what your response would be. Rehearse your answers in front of a mirror so you can pay attention to your facial and hand gestures. The number one rule to interviews is to remain calm and confident.


Dress the Part

Part of how to get a great internship is to look professional. When going into a job interview, make sure you dress conservatively. I would recommend black dress pants, a blouse with a blazer and a pair of closed toe 3-inch heels. Depending on what field you are going into, you might want to cover up any tattoos and take out any extra piercings.


Take Risks

When applying to internships, don’t be afraid to take a risk. Apply for that dream internship you want, even if you don’t think you have all of the qualifications. You never know if the organization will see something in you that you didn’t know you had. There is no harm in applying to as many internships as you want.


Set Yourself Apart

When you leave your interview, you want the company to remember you. You don’t need to go full-blown Elle Woods and scent your resume, but you can still set yourself apart. Try formatting your resume in a unique way or bringing in a portfolio of yourself with your resume, cover letter, related works, and any other relevant information. Just remember to set yourself apart in a professional and positive manner.


Don’t Get Discouraged

You are not going to get accepted to every internship you apply to. (And if you do, props to you.) The important thing on how to get a great internship is to not get discouraged. Keep a positive mindset no matter what. You will find the right place for you eventually.

What tips do you have on how to get a great internship? Did these tips help you to get a great internship?

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