8 Tips on How to Control Your Shopping Addiction ...


8 Tips on How to Control Your Shopping Addiction ...
8 Tips on How to Control Your Shopping Addiction ...

Have you finally been forced to admit that you need to control your shopping addiction? If your closets are bursting at the seams and your credit card bills are the size of a brick, then it's time to get a grip on your shopping habit. Most of us love shopping, but it can become a serious problem. Here are some hints on how to control your shopping addiction …

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Stay Away

Start to control your shopping addiction by keeping your distance from the shops. This means online shops as well. If anything, online shopping can be even more addictive, as it's so easy to type in your credit card number and have goodies sent to your door. Don't even be tempted to browse online.


Alternative Activities

Shopping has become a popular leisure pursuit. If it's your default setting, then you need to find alternative pastimes. It's very easy to decide you fancy a look round the mall, and end up going home with $100 of clothing … again. There are much more interesting and fulfilling ways to spend your time.


Cash is King

Yes, I know you break into a sweat at the thought of leaving your credit card behind. But cash is the better option if you can't resist temptation. If you need to go shopping for essentials, then calculate how much money you'll need. That's how much you need, not how much you want to spend. Then leave your cards at home.


Block Sites

Parental controls are useful for protecting children, but it may not just be children who need protecting, right? There are so many wonderful websites full of beautiful things. So if you find browsing your favourite sites invariably turns into buying, then you can block yourself from viewing them. Then you won't be tempted.


Thrift Stores

Shopping at thrift stores is a marvelous way of keeping the urge to shop under control. It allows you to enjoy some "new" purchases without spending too much money. But since you're aiming to conquer your shopping addiction, don't buy and buy simply because everything is cheap. Learn to set limits.

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Playing Cards

This is often cited as one way to avoid spending too much, and it really is an important factor. If you have too many credit cards, get rid of them. You need one for emergencies. That's it. Do NOT take it out shopping or use it for online shopping - remember, it's cash only.


Check Your Closets

Do you want to buy an outfit for a party, a couple of shirts for work, or a dress for … well, something for any occasion? Before you go shopping, put down that wallet and head to your closet. Chances are that you have any number of garments that will do just fine; probably, there'll be something you haven't even worn yet.


Wonder Why

If you're going to really get a handle on your shopping habit, you need to work out what's behind your shopping. Do you buy out of boredom, for the thrill, or because you feel there's something missing from your life? It's essential to get at the root of the problem in order to truly solve it.

Shopping is fun, and we all like to treat ourselves to new items. If shopping gets out of control, however, it can soon lead to hefty credit card bills and a lot of anxiety. A lot of people are in denial about how serious their shopping problem is - look carefully at yourself and ask if you are one of them. It'll save you a lot of worry if you are, and you deal with it. What problems has your shopping habit caused you?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This is my problem

I love to shop, I was addictive to online shopping. I would also buy stuff & then take it back. I have cloths in my closet I haven't even wore & forgot I had. I gotten better though, I haven't spent money on cloths. My addiction now is buying phone cases from eBay. I'm going to have to block that site. lol

I find these tips useful! Thanks alot

Shopping for something only to find out later on that I already have the very same pair of Levi's jeans in my closet.

The last one is the most important. And, find something else to do. I found that none of the others worked for me, but simply learning to make conscious decisions did. And a lot of practice!

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