7 Tips on How to Add More Whole Grains to Your Diet ...


7 Tips on How to Add More Whole Grains to Your Diet ...
7 Tips on How to Add More Whole Grains to Your Diet ...

You’ve probably heard all of buzz surrounding whole grains and how good they are for you, but you may be wondering how you can add more whole grains to your diet. Well first, let me say; good for you for thinking about this, because whole grains are so super good for you – they are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Second, you should know that it really is quite easy to add more whole grains to your diet. Here are a few tips that will have you munching on more whole grains with ease.

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Simple Switches

You don’t have to completely alter what you eat in order to add more whole grains to your diet; you just have to make some simple switches. Instead of eating a sandwich on white bread, for example, eat it on whole wheat bread; or, instead of eating white pasta, try eating whole wheat pasta. It may take a little bit more of a conscious effort, but once you start making these simple switches, you will find that you will be in the whole grain mindset in no time at all.


Eat a Whole Grain with Each Meal

Include a whole grain with each meal that you eat. At breakfast, for instance, eat a whole grain bagel, English muffin or granola; at lunch, use a whole grain tortilla for a wrap and at dinner, eat a whole grain biscuit.

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Snack on Whole Grains

You can add more whole grains to your diet when you have the munchies, too. Popcorn is not only a healthy whole grain snack food, but it is also super tasty (just don’t douse it with butter and salt). You can also munch on whole grain crackers or granola bars.


Add Whole Grains to Mixed Dishes

Sprinkle some whole grains into those mixed dishes that you really love. For example, try adding a little barley to a homemade vegetable soup, or put some wheat into a stew or a stir fry. Not only will the grains make your meals taste better, but they’ll make them all the more healthy.


Switch out Your Flour

Yep, even something as simple as flour is a great way to get more whole grains in your diet. When you are making pancakes, waffles, muffins, biscuits or anything that requires flour, instead of using the white, bleached flour, opt for the whole wheat or oat flour instead. It’s a simple substitution that can really make a big difference in your diet.

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Whole Grain Salad Toppings

Do you like to have croutons on your salad? If you do, then switch to the whole grain variety, or substitute your croutons all together and opt for crumbles of granola, instead.


Whole Grain Breading

Another great way to add more whole grains to your diet is to use them as breading for your food. Crunch up some oats or whole grain cereal and bread your chicken, fish, steak, vegetables or whatever else you would normally add breading to (even eggplant!). Another great way to add more whole grains to your diet is to use them as breading for your food. Crunch up some oats or whole grain cereal and bread your chicken, fish, steak, vegetables or whatever else you would normally add breading to (even eggplant! Yum!) and then bake it.

There is no denying the nutritional value of whole grains and you should certainly make an effort to eat more. What are you doing to make sure you eat more whole grains?

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Read the book Wheat Belly by William Davis, MD. It might change your mind.

Adding grains may not be a good health choice. Definitely agree with the above book recommendation.

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