7 Tips for Adopting an Adult Dog ...

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7 Tips for Adopting an Adult Dog ...

When looking for a pet, we are all swayed by those adorable puppies in a rescue center, but maybe you should look at adopting an adult dog. You will end up with a darling pet who won’t cause the same issues as a puppy, and who is as just deserving of a loving home as younger dogs. Read on for some tips for adopting an adult dog and you might well decide it’s exactly what you need.

1 Make Sure You’re Ready for the Tempest That is Dog Ownership!

Make Sure You’re Ready for the Tempest That is Dog Ownership!Adopting an adult dog may seem like a great idea, although it definitely isn’t something that you should enter into lightly. Dogs require constant care, such as walking, bathing, feeding, playing and training; not to mention potty walks or having your favorite pair of shoes torn to shreds (yes some adult dogs still do this!). Making sure you’re ready to commit to all of this before you adopt your new four-legged friend is consequently essential, as it is extremely detrimental for an adult canine to be constantly shifted from owner to owner.

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2 Prepare Your Home

Having everything your new pet needs before you bring them home is a great way to reduce the stress which is inherent in the adoption process (for both parties). Having a bed, toys, bowls, leads, a collar and food ready consequently helps settle the dog and put them at ease. One of the tricks with adopting an adult dog is also to find out what they have been eating at their old home, as suddenly changing a dog’s diet can result in diarrhea, vomiting, stomach aches and general misbehavior.

3 Spend Some Time with the Dog before You Take It Home

Spending some time with the dog you’re thinking of adopting is an essential step if you’re planning on adopting an adult dog, as your four-legged friend really needs to fit your lifestyle. If you’re not overly active for example, than a highly energetic breed like a Husky or German Shepard probably isn’t for you, whilst smaller breeds including Dachshunds and Shih- tzus may be perfect. Walking the potential adoptee canine will consequently help you get an idea of their energy level, how well trained they are, and how they deal with different situations.

4 Be Patient

Adopting an adult dog comes with its own set of challenges, as fully grown dogs may display undesirable behaviors ranging from aggressiveness (which may stem from either fear or dominance) and unsociability (if the dog has not been well socialized as a puppy) to chewing, digging, barking and chasing other animals. The only way to bond with your new dog and slowly eliminate these behaviors is to be extremely patient and use praise instead of punishment. You may also need to resign yourself to the fact that all good things take time!

5 Be Consistent

One of the most important tips if you’re looking to adopt an adult dog is to be very consistent when it comes to training. If you decide that your dog should sit and wait for your command before it eats or enters the house, make sure that you enforce this every single time. Allowing your dog to get away with things leads to mixed messages, which can frustrate and confuse your new pet – remember that you’re the pack leader, and what you say goes!

6 Make a Schedule and Stick to It

A great way to let your adopted pet know that they can count on you when it comes to food, walks, playtime and everything else they need to be happy and healthy is to create a schedule. Doing this lets your dog know roughly when they will receive whatever it is that they need, which in turn allows them to relax and settle into everyday life at your home. One of the great things about adopting an adult dog is that they generally settle into their new schedule very quickly, making life easy for both parties.

7 Go to Dog School

If you’re planning on adopting an adult dog, ignore the old adage that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks – this is absolute rubbish! If your newly adopted pet doesn’t know what he/she should do by way of basic commands and social skills however, then dog school is a must. Not only will your pet acquire what they need to know, but you will also learn the best ways to deal with and train your four-legged friend.

Are you considering an adult dog as a pet? Or, did you already adopt one? What was your experience like?

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