Tips and Techniques for Acing Exams ...


Tips and Techniques for Acing Exams ...
Tips and Techniques for Acing Exams ...

The road to becoming a qualified professional can be filled with obstacles. One such obstacle is passing the required exams. Even those who typically test well can find these high-pressure test sessions stressful. Fortunately, there are ways to prepare yourself to do your best and ace those upcoming exams.

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While you are preparing for a big exam, one of the best ways to retain information is to take good notes. During your study sessions, keep track of things that are challenging and use some of these skills later in your professional life. For example, if you are someone who thrives using technology, put it to good use! Your laptop, phone, or tablet all have note-taking capabilities (including apps) that may make remembering potential test items easier for you. Some people learn better when they physically write notes in a notebook. Evaluate what works best for you and keep this in mind when you are in working in the field. There are many different types of learners and it’s best to be mindful that what works for you may not work for everyone.


Practice Tests

One of the best ways to put your mind at ease before a big test is to practice. Using a practice test, like TExES practice tests for aspiring teachers in Texas, is a great way to reduce apprehension. A suggested timeline involves starting your practice testing 6-8 weeks before your exam. To get the best results, the more often you can study the better. A study schedule of 1-2 hours a day, 5 days a week could be ideal for those hoping to get successful results.



Before any big assessment, getting plenty of sleep will be a huge benefit. A well-rested brain will give you the best chance to ace those exams. Reduce whatever stress you can the night before your test so that you are able to get restful sleep. There is nothing worse than lying awake worrying about unnecessary things that could have been solved beforehand. Go to bed early, after preparing whatever you will need for the next morning to ease your mind.



The best learning happens when our bodies and minds are nourished. Choosing the right foods to eat the morning of a big test can make a huge difference in your results. A healthy breakfast with complex carbohydrates (like whole-wheat toast) paired with a protein/fat (maybe an egg or half of an avocado) and maybe a side of fruit should give you the energy you will need to function your best on test day. Be sure to drink plenty of water as well to stay hydrated!


Be Mindful of Goals

One of the most important things to remember when preparing for a big exam is why you are doing it. It is easy to get overwhelmed with the stress of it all but keeping your goals in mind will keep you focused with a positive mindset.

The best way to reach your goal is to be prepared. Aspiring teachers and others pursuing work in specialized professions can follow these tips to do their best on any exams they’re expected to pass.

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