7 Things to Take into Account when Applying to College ...


College is a huge life adjustment and taking these things into account when applying to college can help you pick the right place for you. It is incredibly important to pick the right college because it will not only be your home for 4 years, but it will also define you for the rest of your life. You want to feel comfortable at your college while still being able to have new experiences. Each person has their own preferences for where they want to go to college so when going through the application process, make sure to keep these things in mind when applying to college.

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This might be the starting point when applying to college. The size of your college dictates almost all other aspects of the school. Larger schools tend to have more party reputations and more emphasis on athletics while smaller schools tend to place an emphasis on academics and student life. Some people can get overwhelmed at larger schools while others feel confined at smaller schools. It is important to think about where you would be most comfortable.



One of the biggest decisions you will have to make is if you want a rural or urban school. Do you love the hustle and bustle of a city, or do you want a huge quad to play Frisbee on? Similar to size, the location of your school can have a huge impact on your entire college career. Urban schools may offer more internship opportunities over the semester, while a huge campus school allows you to live in your own little bubble for 4 years.



Do you want to go to a school that is known for partying or know for academics? You may think that you want a school all about partying, but keep in mind that future employers also know about the reputations of schools across the country. Make sure the reputation of your future school is a reputation you would be proud to stand for.



I knew that I wanted to go to a huge football school. I always loved standing in a football stadium with tons of cheering fans. But some people love to watch basketball, or hockey, or lacrosse. While it shouldn’t be the most important factor in choosing a school, it might be something you want to take into consideration. Especially if you plan on playing club sports.


Student Life

If you are interested in getting involved on campus, look into what the student life is like on campus. Are there tons of clubs that you are interested in, and if not, is it easy for you to start your own club? It would also be a good idea to look into the dorm life and on campus dining. You will be spending your next 4 years on that campus, so you might want to do research on exactly what that entails.



Some schools are known for business, some are known for technology, and some have great communications schools. If you are one of the lucky ones who knows what you want to do with your life, this information might be useful to you. Find a school with has an outstanding program in the area you want to go in to.



At the end of the day, you are going to college to get an education. While the rest of the stuff is super important, pick a college that has great academics. You only have 4 years to prepare you for the real world. Make sure your college has the classes, professors, and overall resources to educate you to the fullest of its ability.

If you pay attention to these things, you will be able to pick your dream school. Finding the right college is like finding your new home away from home. Did you find these things to keep in mind when applying to college helpful? What are some other things to keep in mind when applying to college? Did you find the college application process overwhelming or did you always know where you wanted to go?

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