7 Things to Always Have with You ...

By Jordin2 Comments

7 Things to Always Have with You ...

Things To Always Have With You are important to keep in mind, especially when you lead a busy life with barely time to spare! No one likes leaving the house bogged down every morning with 5 bags, but with this handy article, you will be able to know just what to bring for anything that should come up! I've made a list of some of my favorite things you should always have with you, either in your car or in your purse. I hope this article will give you some great ideas for things to always have with you!

1 Oil Blotting Papers

One of my least favorite things about myself is my super oily skin! If I'm ever out in public without oil blotting papers, it's never a fun time for me! This is definitely something you should always have with you if you're like me at all! Even if you're skin doesn't get super oily, we all get a little mid-day shine, and these papers are perfect for removing it.

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2 Disposable Toothbrush

I'm pretty sure disposable toothbrushes were the best thing ever invented after ice cream cones! You can buy them in packs of 2 or 4 at nearly any drugstore and they come in so handy! You can have clean teeth after any meal, and fresh breath on demand. Also, if you ever have to stay over somewhere without having planned it, at least you can brush your teeth! Make sure this item is one of the things to always have with you.

3 Pain Killer

In my opinion, pain killers are something you should always have with you. Why should you let a headache or a bad case of cramps put you in a terrible mood or spoil your fun day? I always carry a small bottle of advil with me. It's come in handy for several of my friends before as well!

4 Jacket or Cardigan

Now, of course it's not really practical to carry a jacket in your purse, so this is one of the things to always have with you that you should probably leave in your car! There have been so many times I've been out in the evening and wished for a jacket because it was nippy or chilly out. Save yourself discomfort and keep a sweatshirt or cardigan in the backseat!

5 Essential Makeup

As ladies, we probably all have some sort of cosmetic items in our purses! But the key is making sure you have the RIGHT makeup products! You don't need your whole makeup bag. Carry only a few essential items. Preferably items that can help you go from a daytime look to a nighttime look. It's also a good idea to throw in a few pieces of statement jewelry into your bag. That way, you can dress up your look at a moment's notice!

6 Spot Remover

Spot remover is one of the things to always have with you no matter what! I can't tell you the number of times it's come in handy for me. It's so unprofessional ad tacky to walk around wearing your mustard from lunch. A spot remover stick will zap it out in no time! You can even get one with clorox for white items. If you ever find yourself out and about without a spot remover and get a drip on your clothes, take some regular hand soap and run it onto the spot. This will help you get the spot out easier later on.

7 Sewing Kit

Sewing kits are an absolute must have item, something you should always have with you! No need to let a popped off button or small rip take away from your shine, right? An emergency won't be the end of the world in you have a little sewing kit with you! Safety pins will also be big help in an emergency if you don't have time to sew a rip up.

I'm sure that there are so many more Things You Should Always Have With You, but these are at the top of my list! I rarely leave home without all of these items in my purse or car. It's no fun being unprepared for life's little disasters! Do you have any ideas for some things you should always have with you? Please, comment below with any suggestions on things to always have with you, and thank you for reading!

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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