There are many surprising uses for olive oil that you may not be aware of. Everyone has a bottle of olive oil in their kitchen that they keep for cooking and salad dressing. But this oil is far more versatile, which has even inspired the title of a novel. Some of these amazing uses for olive oil may be just what you need …
Olive oil also makes an excellent wood polish. All you have to do is mix some with lemon juice as if you were making salad dressing. Rub it into the wood with a soft cloth (this is a great way to use old clothes). I've used this method with a wooden chest of drawers I rescued from the street, and the unit looked fantastic when I'd finished.
Olive oil can also be used to make a simple scrub for your face or body. Mix the oil with granulated sugar - it couldn't be easier! Be sure not to scrub too roughly, and follow up with moisturiser once you've rinsed the scrub off. If you want something more scented, try adding honey and lemon juice. You can also add a few drops of essential oils if you're making a body scrub.
Finally, olive oil is a useful hair conditioner if you've run out or want a natural conditioner. You'll only need a small amount, less than a teaspoon depending on the length of your hair. Massage it in and wrap your hair up, leave for 20 minutes and then shampoo out. It's important to shampoo after applying the oil, otherwise you'll have very greasy hair!
Olive oil is cheap, easy to find, and most of us have it in the kitchen. So it's a very useful ingredient for all kinds of uses - not just cooking! Do you have any other amazing uses for olive oil?