10 Stellar Things to Make You Happy in Life ...

By EmMa

10 Stellar Things to Make You Happy in Life ...

We all want to live a joyful live, which is why it's important to find things to make you happy so that you can get there. What makes people happy varies, but there are some base things that the happiest people do all the time. By adding them to your routine, you can have the life you want. These things to make you happy should help. Get started today.

1 Quit Comparing

hair, human hair color, blond, beauty, headgear,One of the best things to make you happy is to quit comparing yourself to everyone else. The only person you should be comparing yourself to is yourself. You are your own person, so trying to measure up to others is a hopeless battle. Focus on being your best self and you'll be good to go.

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2 Practice Self Care

You can't be happy if you don't feel good about yourself. That's why you should be eating healthy foods, exercising and taking time to do the things you love. You'll be so much happier!

3 Express Gratitude

This is more than just saying "thank you" to someone. It means appreciating who you are and what you have, even if you someday want to be more or have more. Being thankful for where you are right now will make you a much happier person.

4 Do Acts of Kindness

Being kind to others makes you feel really good, so try to practice a random act of kindness each day. Being selfless is one of the best ways to feel great, so be nice to someone else today.

5 Forgive People

Festering resentment for the wrongs that have been done to you are a sure fire way to be totally unhappy. Forgive those people, even if they don't know you've done so, and you will be able to move past the situation and focus on your happiness and joy.

6 Try Optimism

When things get you down, it can be hard to stay happy. But the simple act of being optimistic opens up your eyes to new opportunities and people, which is definitely a great way to feel happier.

7 Make Goals

Nothing will make you happier than finally reaching goals you've set for yourself. You goals could be to be healthier, become a better cook or finally write a book. Whatever they are, actively working toward them will make you so happy!

8 Savor Life

There are times in your life when it's hard to find things to be happy about, but savoring the good things, even if they are few and far between, fosters happiness. Savor a cup of tea in the morning or your bike ride to work and you'll start to see the good in all the little things.

9 Nurture Your Friendships

You friends are an important part of your life and fostering your relationships will make you happy. You know that glow you feel after a night out with the girls, right? Research shows that the happiest people are those with strong friendships, so make time to nurture your relationships today.

10 Have Coping Strategies

Even the happiest girl is going to have a rough day, week or month. That's why a few good coping strategies are needed. Having them in your arsenal gives you peace of mind and helps you get through the tough times. Yours might be going to bed early or having dinner with your mom. Everyone has different ways of coping, so choose what works best for you.

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