7 Skills You Can Learn to Make You Look Better on Your Resume ...

By Kelly

7 Skills You Can Learn to Make You Look Better on Your Resume ...

If you want to set your self apart in the job hunt, you might want to look into these skills you can learn to look better on your resume. Looking for a job is stressful enough, but having these skills can give you an upper hand and better your chances of being hired. Even if these skills are not “required” for the job you are looking for, your prospective employers will just be impressed by your variety of skills. Take a look at these skills you can learn to set yourself apart, and start thinking of way you can incorporate these skills into your job hunt.

1 HTML Code

In our technology-based age, knowing how to code HTML can be one of the top invaluable skills you can learn to look better on your resume. It is basically knowing how to write and design an online website. It can be more basic, such as adding and formatting paragraphs, to more complex, such as in creating an entire website from scratch. It may seem a bit overwhelming but it is actually pretty easy to learn. Websites such as CodeAcademy.com are the perfect way to ease yourself into the HTML coding world.

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2 Photoshop

Photoshop isn’t just for photographers anymore. It can be helpful to quickly design a poster and enhance any image you may be using for a presentation. It may not even be entirely relevant to your job area, but just showing employers that you would take the time to learn such a complex skill will really stand out to them.

3 InDesign

Similar to Photoshop, InDesign is a quick and easy way to create images such as flyers, presentations, and anything else you could possibly want to create. While it is not as popular as Photoshop, it is no less important. If you ever need to do a presentation for your job, InDesign can take it from boring to giving it a wow factor. It is not too hard to learn and is a great conversation topic during interviews.

4 Excel

Almost everyone knows how to use Microsoft Office nowadays, but most people tend to focus on Word and PowerPoint while Excel can be the big one to use. Excel has tons of awesome features to help you create equations and make calculations so simple. Being an expert at Excel will not only look great on resumes, but it will help you impress your boss once you land the job.

5 Verbal Communication

It is not necessarily a concrete skill you can easily learn, but it might be one of the most important skills you can learn to make yourself look better on a resume. Every single job in this country requires you to be able to communicate effectively. In fact, most employers have stated that it is the number one thing they look for in a prospective employee. If you have a fear of public speaking or just don’t know how to get your point across in conversation, try taking a public speaking course or holding mock interviews with your friends to help you master this skill.

6 Team Worker

Similar to verbal communication, almost every single job will require you to work with other people in a team. Based off my previous experience with group projects, it can be difficult to get every member of a team on the same page and work effectively. That is why being a team worker is so important. You need to have the ability to motivate other members and keep the team on track, without creating conflict.

7 Research & Statistics

Every single job is working towards a goal, and it can help you figure out if you have reached your goal by putting it into numbers. Knowing how to work with numbers and use basic statistics is a good skill to have in all types of jobs. It will help you stand out in an interview if you state you can use SPSS or have a background in statistics because it is not something everyone is that familiar with.

Bring up these skills in an interview, and I almost guarantee your prospective employer will be impressed. They show you went above and beyond in learning skills that are valuable to yourself and a company. Do you think it is important to have these skills? What are some other skills you can learn to set yourself apart and look great on resumes? Have you mastered any of these skills?

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